Recent content by kattana

  1. K

    Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Will Be Built In Las Vegas

    i wonder what small creature no one has heard about will be "discovered" and put the whole thing on hold because the tracks will threaten it...
  2. K

    The Perils Of Getting Fired In The Digital Era

    what also sucks is being head of IT and the person who has to know ahead of time that people are being let go and not say anything especially so when they come up to you and are chatting about how we should have a few of us go out for lunch next week to blow off steam... work once tried to...
  3. K

    Google Is Not Opening A Real-Life Store After All

    heck.. the only physical store i visit much anymore is the grocery store
  4. K

    Uber Now Has Its Own Fleet of Mapping Vehicles

    oohh.. nice. opening up whole new avenues for lawsuits like they dont have enough already
  5. K

    Friday the 13th: The Game Kickstarter

    dont give them any ideas :D
  6. K

    Drone Crashes At Movie Premier, Injures Baby

    LOL.. that was awesome. I also like the SR71 model and 8 jets on that thing.. that wasnt cheap
  7. K

    New Malware That Makes ATMs Keep Your Card

    just how many cards can the machine hold on to?
  8. K

    Political Donations, Now Through A Tweet

    most politicians only get a finger gesture from me
  9. K

    Mozilla Updates Firefox 40 to Patch Two Serious Flaws

    why is every couple bug fixes a whole new version?
  10. K

    MPAA Demands Extraordinary Measures to Prevent Piracy

    LOL.. you should see the security reviews and audits one has to go through to handle disney/marvel media i think one doc started out at 40 pages then you get the other side of the spectrum with some production companies and pretty free access to their storage that houses all their media and...
  11. K

    The Noise Around You Could Strengthen Your Passwords

    oh nice!! a new security feature that can remotely listen in on me, without me even knowing NEAT !!! :rolleyes:
  12. K

    ICANN Reveals Plan For Ending America's Control Of The Internet

    various world governments.. of course ;>)
  13. K

    Star Trek-Style Home Elevator Could Replace Stairlifts

    I would still like to see a series in that universe but from a different angle, like say based around the kilgons or such instead of the humans/federation
  14. K

    AMD Accuses NVIDIA's Gameworks Of Being 'Tragic' And 'Damaging'

    tragic? more like smart i mean, they are after all a company that sells graphics cards.. so to make tech that requires more of their product to be sold is kinda the point
  15. K

    Five Nights At Freddy's Developer Responds To "Hate"

    i remember a time, about 20 years ago now, when one could go to a games website, or even a fan site, and meet and chat with others in a fun way. people sharing in a mostly positive way. nowadays.. LOL i will not even attempt to go to any open gaming website. pure vitriol and epeen wagging...