Recent content by kenshin23

  1. K

    Wifi 4g addvice

    sry lol forgot
  2. K

    Wifi 4g addvice

    Ok guys im staying at a extended stay hotel for a couple months until i can find a apartment , the net is pretty bad dl at 45kbs cant play any of my games. Would a wireless 4g of some sort be a good solution? I live in the middle sex area of jersey dont know how good it would be.
  3. K

    Quick Entrely lvl job I.T

    Thanks for the fast replays guys, What should i use to look for the Help desk and entry lvl jobs in the nj/nyc area i been using Monster and Craig i don't know of those are good places to be looking. Also for my resume since i have never worked as a help desk how should i structure it, as a...
  4. K

    Quick Entrely lvl job I.T

    Hey guys im currently going to school for Computer SCI. I want to get a entry level job also to help pay for things. What is the best route helpdesk or get a CERT like CCNA ? I have no job experience I.T wise but know more then enough to work as Help desk. any ideas ?
  5. K

    Living in hotel

    Hey guys so im going to be staying at a extended stay hotel for a couple months for work away from home. The internet they have is horrendous wireless. What do you guys recommendr wireless internet that can i game and dl on.
  6. K

    gaming pc 250gts and macbook pro

    I dont realy know how much should i sell this build for please help me on that here are the specs. 250gts 2gb of ram E7500 3.0ghz mobo asus P5g41-M powersupply BFG 550W macbookpro early 2010 5,5 13inch core2duo 2.4ghz 2gb of ram nvidia 9400M
  7. K

    Upgradeing My pc for bf3

  8. K

    Upgradeing My pc for bf3

    Hey guys i just want to upgrade my computer i feel like im far behind others in specs here are my specs. c2d E7500 GTS 250 2gb ram ASUS P5G41 What can i upgrade cpu gfx ram ect without spending alot of meony i know i wanted to go for the new i5 and i7s i would have to build a whole new...
  9. K

    The official "clean desktop" club.

    did u get it off deviant art i can search there for it
  10. K

    The official "clean desktop" club.

    chinspecial WHAT THEME IS THAT U GOT for vista i want it so bad i been looking every where for it
  11. K


    Yah there was 1 theme alot of people where using for vista it was this free 1 it was all over dig i just got vista im trying 2 find it. It like makes the vista start menu squared instead of its round shape and looks really skinny any of u know where u can get it i seen it on this forum alot for...
  12. K

    Q6600 high temps

    Ok i went into bios my DS3l is giving 1.3125 for Vcore temp is that normal???? i got a Tuiq tower it lowered my temps a little i guss to like 40c idle.
  13. K

    Broke my brand new 8800gt

    IT WASNT BROKE LOL tech was right thats how the card comes the problum was when i was installing my tower 120 on my Q6600 i put the backplate on to tight LOL sry for making such a fuss thanks for you help anyway.
  14. K

    Broke my brand new 8800gt

    I duno forget it ima just go to bestbuy and get a bfg 8800gt for 200 bucks whatever lol
  15. K

    Broke my brand new 8800gt

    I dont knwo what u guys meen by the pcb im a noob im talking about the part thats gos in the PCIE slot how it has gold strips on it well half of 1 of those broke off as i was taking my graphics card out of the slot. The card runs like the fan runs but no video shows up.