Recent content by kerrle

  1. K

    What do you use to write your scripts?

    If I'm at a console, I use VIM; if I've got a desktop (which is usually the case), I use Bluefish or Kate. Kate's code highlighting modes are good, and it's overall interface is good, but it's search and replace isn't quite as robust as I'd like. Bluefish I'm new to, but I like it so far.
  2. K

    mythTV experiences

    I'm quite happy with it; it makes a great PVR, but it also allows me to easily shell emulators; I've got two Playstation controllers hooked up to the box, so I've got a pretty good gaming machine in addition to the TV functions. As far as capture cards - a hauppauge pvr-350 or 250 works...
  3. K

    mythTV experiences

    I use it, and am fairly happy with it...anything specific you want to know?
  4. K

    Getting Sound Card to work.

    What sound chipset do you have? I run gentoo; I can walk you through it, but I'd need to make sure Alsa supports the chip first (it supports most of 'em).
  5. K

    How can I make a redhat server and workstation?

    Well, really, have you tried the redhat installer - I've never installed redhat 7.2, but on RH9, you should be able to select most of those services in the installer; there are even GUIs for most of them. If you're not able to see a peice of software you need in setup, just continue...
  6. K

    Fedora 3 includes...

    I recently moved away from Fedora because of some of those "Redhat-isms" - not being able to manually change menu entries in Gnome was really irritating. Overall, though FC2 is a good distribution; I would advise other people to try them. Me, as of three weeks ago, I've been using Gentoo, and...
  7. K

    VSFTPD Configuration under Fedora Core 2 Please Help...

    I have yet to see something that VSFTP couldn't do for me; I personally consider it one of the better FTP servers around. Heck, and Redhat both use it for their sites, so you know it's okay in the security and stability areas.
  8. K

    So i have a 9800pro, can I run linux?

    It's about to get a little easier to install ATI's drivers; they're being repackaged by, and in just a bit (already testing), you should just be able to install an RPM and be done if you're using Fedora, SUSE, or another RPM based distro. Of course, that doesn't make the driver...
  9. K

    Gnome & Redhat Icon?

    Yeah, you can do it; you have to replace the icon in whatever icon theme you're using. For example, if you were using the bluecurve icon theme, you'd replace the icon at: /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/(size)/apps/gnome-main-menu.png Just get a copy of the foot icon (or whatever you...
  10. K

    Thunderbird icon when app is min.

    From what I recall, there's a place you can put an icon in the chrome directory that Tbird and Firefox will use as their "window" icon if they see it; I'll look in a second and see if I can find exactly where it is.
  11. K

    BIND and Loading Zones from a Directory

    Yeah, I don't know of a way to get bind to do this, but I could write a script to add all the entries in literally 10 lines of perl.
  12. K

    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    Metacity's already been patched to support transparency - the gnome team just needs to make a few little utilities or a preferences tool. I'm sure KDE 4 will support this, but who knows how long it'll take before it's implemented in the 3.3 tree.
  13. K

    Editing Windows files in Linux?

    There IS A way to write NTFS files fully under Linux; you have to use the Captive NTFS driver. The web page on how to do it is here: I've done this, and it works fine on my machine, at least.
  14. K

    ALSA on Via ENVY 24?

    There are lots of things that ALSA does that OSS has no way to do, but for most users, the big thing is that on most sound cards, multiple programs can access the card at the same time, which wasn't usually possible through OSS without a sound daemon running, and those can be problematic.
  15. K

    very new to linux. Noob questions inside!

    It's possible that the startup script called by your login manager when you're in graphical mode is trying to start something that's failing. You can check /var/log/messages to see if there's any help there. I haven't really touched Suse other than the LiveCD, so I can't offer much help as to...