Recent content by kh6idf

  1. K

    Holy crap my Crysis framerate!!

    I downloaded the demo last night and have been playing it this morning. I am managing to get 60FPS (using Fraps) at 1680x1050. See sig below for my system configuration. What I did was to set the Nvidia settings in the lower right corner of the taskbar to Performance and Quality settings...
  2. K

    8800 stock cooling???

    I put an Antec super cyclone slot fan (takes up 2 slots but has a bigger blower) below the 8000 GTS. It has a 3-position switch which I normally leave on the slowest setting and it is nearly silent. For playing games I can switch it to a higher speed to draw more heat out of that area.
  3. K

    ATT: All Nvidia Geforce 88xx Owners Please test your cards for buzzing/sqealing

    No noise with my EVGA 8800GTS 320mb SC when running that demo. I have a Seasonic S12 Energy+ 650W PS. That's a very cool demo!
  4. K

    New GPS unit

    I use a Mio c310x, got it for $199. It also has the SiRFstar III chip. Excellent reception even indoors on a rainy day.
  5. K

    8800 GTS 320 MB temp

    That's a good temperature - mine idles at 58C and I have it set to reduce the clock speed in 2D mode.
  6. K

    The Seasonic owners thread

    I have the Seasonic S12 650W, and I love it for the same reasons - quiet, low heat output, reliable and efficient. It cost me $150 but I think in the long run it's worth the price. I replaced an Antec 450W that came with my case after everyone in these forums said to get rid of it before it...
  7. K

    Help me decide sync or no sync?

    I turn on vsync. It makes for a much smoother and more stable display (as long as the card is managing to supply over 60 FPS).
  8. K

    My free 8800 GTX cooling solution

    I tried this with RivaTuner. It would allow the core clock to be set differently for 2D/3D but the memory clock could not be set differently for 2D/3D. If I lowered the memory clock for 2D, the 3D setting would drop to the same speed. I wish Nvidia would incorporate this into their future...
  9. K

    Do I suck or is Core Temp wrong?

    I had the same problem with coretemp reading 15 degrees too high. I found Rightmark CPU/clock utility gives an accurate reading. I'm showing 33C right now with the stock cooler (no O/C) for my L2 e6300. coretemp would show it as 48C.
  10. K

    Let's help 1c3d0g find a new, *QUIET* PSU for his Dell Dimension E520

    Take a look at the Seasonic S12 650W, I got one at Fry's for $150. It's very quiet and has a lot of good features like 80+ efficiency and active power factor correction. or get the 550W if you don't need 650W...
  11. K

    How do I change 8600gts fan plug from 12v to 5v? (This fan is LOUD!)

    Sounds like a good move, you won't be sorry you bought the 8800GTS (assuming the HDTV works OK). The fan at 60% like it comes stock is so quiet I had to look at it to be sure it was turning. And you can set up a fan profile with Rivatuner to make it do whatever you want.
  12. K

    Getting Eyestrain With New 22" Monitors. If Anyone Has Any Ideas, Please Help!

    I had similar eyestrain issues when I first switched from a CRT to LCD. After a day or two it went away. The LCD's don't flicker so it doesn't matter what the refresh rate is, on mine it's set to 60Hz. The only flicker would be the fluorescent backlight frequency but I think the newer...
  13. K

    I need a fan, a BIG fan!

    You call that a fan? THIS is a fan:
  14. K

    GA-965G-DS3 onboard audio

    The onboard "HD Audio" sounded not so good, so I stuck in my old SB PCI512 soundcard. What a relief! Sounds much better now, more full-bodied and real. The motherboard headphone output was particularly bad, very tinny sounding. I'm using Boston BA635 powered speakers. This PCI512 card has...
  15. K

    Antec 900

    When you get the MB, place it in the case and see which holes in the MB line up with the holes in the case (most of them will but maybe not all). Then remove the MB and screw the brass standoffs into those holes that did line up with the MB. put the MB back in the case, line up the holes with...