Recent content by kono

  1. K

    Scientists Design Life Saving Smart Underwear

    "I just shat myself" -updated from my iUnderwear
  2. K

    Self Checkout Means Walking out the Door?

    scanned. damn no edit.
  3. K

    Self Checkout Means Walking out the Door?

    Come on, some of us here work in IT. These scanners are hooked up to servers. Simple logic here: if barcode is scancode then don't charge again.
  4. K

    Disgusting Computer Award

    Actually nicotine has been proven to help people with mental disorders, especially schizophrenia type disorders. Thats still no excuse to shorten your life. I hate the fact that I still smoke, but quitting is extremely hard. I doubt its just the nicotine, its all the other chemicals laced in the...
  5. K

    Making my own TOC in basic html ... Need to center page on link content

    I think he means anchor, if thats the case you can mess with putting the <a name="article2"> tag in different places.
  6. K

    Computer Jargon Baffles Users, Hinders Security

    My mom is the only one who gets help without me pissing and moaning the whole time.
  7. K

    Supernanny Takes on Violent Video Games

    What I find funny is that the men doing these studies used to play war games with fake guns all the time. We're actually becoming less violent as a society. Here's a thought: playing videogames with you're friends is actually more healthy than getting drunk and starting fights at bars.
  8. K

    Americans' Job Satisfaction Falls to Record Low

    I'm not that satisfied at my job. I was promised that I'd get some programming experience but that hasn't happened. It's been over a year and I'm looking for programming job now.
  9. K

    HP Ink Costs More Than Human Blood

    Buying a new printer because its cheaper is not your fault, its the printer company's. Corporations could give a rat's ass about the 3 R's.
  10. K

    A fun mp PC game with no shooting/fighting?

    Settlers doesn't have fighting. Its a real time strategy where you build settlements.
  11. K

    question for those who play starcraft UMS maps

    You could always hotkey the bunkers in question. I haven't played in awhile, but that might actually work.
  12. K

    Twitter + Electronic Billboard = Suspended News Director

    I think there has to be three or more. If it's two, it's just a threesome.
  13. K

    Teen Gets Prison Term for Scientology DDOS Attack

    This pretty sums up what's wrong with all religions.
  14. K

    Teen Gets Prison Term for Scientology DDOS Attack

    If there was a jury to decide his fate, he'd get off scot-free...
  15. K

    Cheap or Free RPG

    DDO is free for most of the content.