Recent content by LethalZen

  1. L

    [Project] L3p D3sk

    What an amazing job! So glad you have finished and can enjoy your work. The amount of quality in what you did is absolutely crushing.
  2. L

    'Hurt Locker' Sharers: Expect Docs Like This

    IANAL, but I agree with AaronP that it is basically extortion. The case law on this topic is very open to either side, and it is a long-known tactic that representatives for large copyright owners are trying to staunch the pirate "losses" by lawsuits that take advantage of easy, small, likely...
  3. L

    High-Tech Anti-Date Defense System

    It's a great anti-mugging outfit for blind people? :confused: Besides ravewear, it's a wearable lawsuit. :p
  4. L

    Sony to Pull Out of Floppy Disc Market

    I think about 5 years ago I took my box of old 3.5" media and copied anything of any value to a tiny corner of my HD. I then disassembled them--crack, pry, pull, pop the metal hub--and put the magnetic donuts through the shredder. I still keep the drive, a part of an 8-in-1, attached to the...
  5. L

    Swiss Police Foil Bomb Attack Against IBM

    Pure speculation, but I'd guess one of the suspects owns a copy of this book: I can't think of any other reason someone would bother with IBM.
  6. L

    Magazine Stand of the Future

    Slick tech. Good point of sale interface. Not going to happen, or if it does it'll die a quick death. A wireless connection to the net and my favorite text vendor is what I'd use and a node is way cheaper to deploy than this. Sigh. It's a good idea, but as soon as they digitize the magazines...
  7. L

    Augmented Reality Overkill

    I would have like to seen the ad level when dialed to an "expense" level instead of free or to a "pay you" level to see how distopian the creator's view. Probably trying to demonstrate a pretty bad view of technological dependence and loss of basic skills judging from the clues given...
  8. L

    Patriot Box Office Medial Player Giveaway @ [H]

    Better odds now with a valid email address... :rolleyes:
  9. L

    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 7

    one more time lucky 7!
  10. L

    Personal Goals

    Short term: Get a non-green badge. Continue to have a nice method to test my new air-cooling configs. Long term: Get on page 2 of long term folders! I'm going to move up to page four of active [H] folders today, yay! You go Hemigod! I see you burning past me as I type. I think...