Recent content by LeviathanV

  1. L

    SeaSonic M12II Power Supply Lucky Draw

    I have never used a Seasonic product, even though they have been recommended from time to time when I've asked for help on a new build. Perhaps all I need to be convinced that I should buy Seasonic is to get the first try for free :). Nice giveaway by the way! I am from Colombia, so I am...
  2. L

    The Laser Turns 50

    Gould didn't invented the Laser, he stole the technology from the ancients. P.S.: This has to be the geekiest comment I have ever made in my entire life. Damn you Sci Fi and your Stargate reruns!
  3. L

    HP Computers Are Racist

    Jejeje... Sounds like an episode out of "Better of Ted" ... Actually, it's exactly like an episode from the show... Quite funny on a comedy series, not so funny in real life :)
  4. L

    New Privacy Policy Adopted at Facebook

    Actually I am one of those (responsible) users myself... but I know A LOT of people who use facebook indiscriminately... even with simple status reports, since their twitter account is linked to facebook... Now a days people are living a narrative where every instance in their daily lives is...
  5. L

    New Privacy Policy Adopted at Facebook

    Using the words privacy and facebook in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms... What part of facebook do people think is "private". People add friends to thier facebook account like it were a popularity contest. 500+ friends is a joke. You might know 500 people but they are not your...
  6. L

    Hanes Underwear Ad: Uncomfortable on Any Level

    I was going to post something of sorts... but then I read all the replies so far and decided against it...
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    Quote of the Day

    After reading what the guy actually said, it doesn´t sound that bad... I actually think what he meant to say is that they tried to make win7 more graphical and easy to use, like how people feel about Mac OS, not that they actually copyied the competing OS... I just think he probably used the...
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    Quote of the Day

    Actually, I had to Google Joe Biden to get it... I'm not from the US...:D
  9. L

    Quote of the Day

    Save to say he won't be involved in any aspect of any Microsoft product ever again... And for good reason. People need to excercise a little constraint. Saying something like that which would obviously be controversial, you better be sure you are right and your company is ready to admit it...
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    Quote of the Day

    "Unfortunately this came from a former Microsoft employee who was not involved in any aspect of designing Windows 7."
  11. L

    Alternate Sites' Color Scheme Suggestion...

    Hello, I've been a forum member for over 3 years, and a [H]ardOCP reader for over 5 years. I have very few complains about the site itself, and the content within it. Visually, I've always liked the sites' layout and colors. However, I would like to make a suggestion regarding the current color...
  12. L

    NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing

    To "Inglix_the_Mad" : Yes, many companies bully others into doing what they want, but its usually the BIGGER company in a particular market that does this. nVidia does it, but not AMD GPU division, because nVidia has a larger market share on enthusiast GPUs... Same goes with Intel and AMD...
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    NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing

    To nVidia: I don't really need an extra 5 -10 fps on my games... You can't afford to piss me off, 'cause I'll go with AMD in a sec... To AMD: This is your chance, my loyalty is for sale. You don't have to make a better performing product, just win me over as a consumer...
  14. L

    NVIDIA: Consoles Don't Threaten PC Gaming

    Regarding the U3 / CryEngine 2 graphic engines, this is the same case we say with the Doom3 Engine and the Half-Life 2 Engine. They are just diferent Engines. They both look really good doing what they do. But I would not imagine trying to build a game like UT3 or GoW with the CryEngine2 and I...
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    NVIDIA: Consoles Don't Threaten PC Gaming

    Anyone who suggests Consoles will bring about the end of PC Gaming are not PC Gamers. Why? Simple. Decent Video cards today cost as much and more than any Console System. And thats just the Video Card. When you add up all the components a Gaming PC needs to Perform, you see that PC Gaming is...