Recent content by meisterbrau

  1. M

    EVGA Overtake

    added a 560TI
  2. M

    Can an Aussie donate ppd to [H] in exchange for votes?

    I've been voting every day too, but it's not enough. Sorry!
  3. M

    We Lost One of F@H's Greatest Champions - Gordon Smitheman

    I just donated using the credit card link. This is a tremendous way to honor a great folder for the cause.
  4. M

    Where is Tigger?

    he's been posting on other forums recently. Found some posts written just last month by a tigerbiten on a cycling forum. When it's signed " .....Luck", you know its him.
  5. M

    Can an Aussie donate ppd to [H] in exchange for votes?

    voted again today - from work and from home
  6. M

    Can an Aussie donate ppd to [H] in exchange for votes?

    added my vote and will do so for the remaining days.
  7. M

    OCN putting the hammer down

    guess the HPCS 20 Vcore limit for the beta doesn't apply to OCN
  8. M

    Folding on HP Cloud Services - already happening!

    no problems here. I have 3 on AZ1 and 4 on AZ2. HP updated the notice to private beta customers to say that the 20 vcpu limit is per Availability Zone.
  9. M

    Folding on HP Cloud Services - already happening!

    same here - AZ2 is getting me quite a bit more PPD than AZ1.
  10. M

    Folding on HP Cloud Services - already happening!

    On the Connect portion of the HPCS website, I'm seeing this now - Customers currently in the Private Beta can now use BOTH US West 2 - AZ1 & AZ2 for all Compute Instance builds. We are requesting that Private Beta customers limit their instance creation to 5 instances. Overall account limits...
  11. M

    Folding on HP Cloud Services - already happening!

    I put in an application last night and today I got an activation code. I'm going to play around with it later tonight
  12. M

    Long tpf after reboot

    yeah - check your clock speeds. I was getting longer tpfs one time after a reboot and discovered that all my settings had gone back to default, (oops just saw your no overclock clarification)