Recent content by micronix

  1. M

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    i want two
  2. M

    moving hot pc air outside

    dust is not an issue. i'm not pulling air in, i'm pushing it out. farm animals are not a concern either. i live about 150 feet up. bugs would likely to be an problem, but i can always put a filter on the other end.
  3. M

    moving hot pc air outside

    I'm looking to set up something similar to this: the person who set that up uses cool air from the street to cool his pc. my idea is to put together a similar setup to exhaust the hot air coming out of my power supply. my pc is very close...
  4. M

    Sony Giga Pocket Mpeg2 Tv Tuner

  5. M

    x1900xt + 400w antec psu?

  6. M

    pcp&c 510sli loud

    my system has been running quite well with this psu. only problem is that it's a little loud. even when idle, the fan runs at full speed and emits a humming sound. i dont mind it too much, especially since it doesnt buzz like my sp400 did, but i would like to control the speed of the fan and...
  7. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    the noise only started coming out of the psu when i replaced my x300 with the x1900. i assumed that the added load made the psu buzz and i was right.
  8. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    my pc power and cooling 510 sli came in today. i swapped out the antec, put in the pcp&p, booted up, and no more noise. x1900xt with crappy overloaded psu = chirping noise x1900xt with overpriced psu = SWEET SILENCE! i almost teared.
  9. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    maybe it has something to do with the a8n-sli
  10. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    i didnt have the noise when i had an x300se. i think the noise is being caused by my psu being overloaded. only two more days until i get my pcp&c510sli.
  11. M

    xp pro oem

    I'm looking for a place where i can buy a cheap (under $50) legit xp pro oem license.
  12. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    i find it incredibly irritating. my buzzing is also probably a little worse than yours. it's constant in gaming and happens during specific animations in windows. i also have an a8n motherboard though. hmm..
  13. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    i'm glad i narrowed it down to this power supply. do you think it's safe to run the psu with one fan down for a few days until i get my replacement? i'm still a little worried that the sound may be coming from the video card, but it's unlikely.
  14. M

    antec sp400 suckage

    i've been trying to find the source of the magnetostriction noise on my newly built pc. for those who dont know, it's that annoying buzzing noise when 3d apps run and when certain animations display in windows. i used to think it was my new x1900xt because the noise only came after i installed...
  15. M

    x1900xt temp monitor

    in some screenshots of atitool there is a temperature readout in the bottom. my ati tool running on a aystem with a 1900xt doesnt show anything. does the pure ati 1900xt not have a temp sensor?