Recent content by Mikoyan

  1. M

    7900GTO prices skyrocketed

    Wow, I bought mine about 10 days ago for $250 Canadian, and now they're not listed on any of the sites that used to have them up here - definitely sold like hot cakes.
  2. M

    good 19" lcd..

    What did you use to calibrate the colours? I have a FP931 and am looking to do some better calibration than just "it looks good". I'll probably pick up a FP937 to be a side-kick to this one.
  3. M

    Fast 19" LCD Round-Up!

    The FP931 sitting right in front of me has a 19" (diagonal) panel. So, yes, it's a true 19", not an 18" like that review at
  4. M

    samsung 710, if you have one, check in

    gizo, I don't suppose you have any pictures of your dual 710T setup do you? I'm close to buying two for myself and I am curious what they look like (in a real setting).
  5. M

    Best < 25ms 18 or 17 LCD out there.

    You'll get most answers saying the Samsung 710T: 12ms, dual-inputs, hard to go wrong with it. Dell sells it for a pretty good price and has a great return policy from what I hear.
  6. M

    yet another 710t thread; this one about dell

    I'm pretty sure the second it leaves the carrier's hands and placed on your porch it's in your posession and you're completely liable.