Recent content by mmtom

  1. M

    Trust relationship

    Reset the machine account password with netdom. That'll fix it 99% of the time. Assuming the computer object still exists.
  2. M

    Why do newer OS's seem to use less RAM?

    I wish I had kept track the number of times I heard people complain about "Vista eating all my memory" because of the "free" counter showing zero...
  3. M

    Windows 8.1 first tile is always highlighted

    Interesting that you're seeing the highlight, but it's a default behavior (sort of). For example, without seeing the highlight, whatever tile is in that first position will execute if you hit enter. I keep my "desktop" tile there, so if I hit start I can just hit enter and go back to the...
  4. M

    Powershell Script not going to next line

    Yeah, sounds to me like it isn't done exporting, yet. If you want to do them all at once, or let the export run in the background, try adding the -AsJob switch.
  5. M

    File Server Performance Issues

    I agree, but it's always nice to have hard data to show the customer/client to justify upgrading.
  6. M

    File Server Performance Issues

    Check this out: I've seen this before, but it ended up being related to the customer disabling opportunistic locking on their NAS device. I would say that you definitely have a bottleneck in the disks, though. I can't imagine those two disks...
  7. M

    Servers on domain fail to load NETLOGON ???

    That sound suspiciously like malware or a bad piece of software. The fact that it's happening on DCs and workstations would have me seriously concerned. Also, prevent lingering objects by enabling strict replication...
  8. M

    Who is planning on going from windows 7 to windows 8.1?

    Real enterprises don't permit end users to have admin access. If they do, they have ridiculous white listing and intrusion detection systems on every endpoint (which are arguably effective if you've already got admin rights). The cost of an intrusion will be much, much higher than the cost of...
  9. M

    Windows Active directory in 2 different networks

    Will work - yes. But will not be supported if it breaks or you have problems making it work. Not supported and won't work are two different statements :)
  10. M

    Windows Active directory in 2 different networks

    AD is not supported over NAT. You need fully routable, non-NATted networks. Yes, you might get it to work... If you call support, you'll get very limited support before you're asked to try it without NAT and see if that works. You're better off building a site-to-site VPN tunnel...
  11. M

    Windows 8.1 Discussion

    You know that all of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the OS and has everything to do with the vendor not writing a Win8.1 specific driver, right? Drivers tend to be OS version specific...
  12. M

    Why does storage space say I am using more space than I am using? (server essentials)

    I've been using Storage Pools since 2012 was in beta and have had zero issues. That includes multiple OS reinstalls.
  13. M

    Why does storage space say I am using more space than I am using? (server essentials)

    Awesome, glad to hear it worked. I'd check to see if the ScheduledDefrag task under Task Scheduler->Microsoft->Windows->Defrag is running properly. That should be taking care of the defrag periodically.
  14. M

    Why does storage space say I am using more space than I am using? (server essentials)

    Just some shots in the dark: Is it a thin provisioned space? Thin provisioned spaces support UNMAP/TRIM and I think that is handled by the defrag service. If defrag isn't running, you probably won't see it TRIM until something calls the function (like adding another space)...
  15. M

    Tons of updates... necessary?

    lol, I'll see what I can do, though I'm just a lowly field engineer. Hopefully this type of thing is the strategy going forward. As far as testing, this isn't official guidance or anything, but in my experience I would roll it out to a set of IT users, from there have "test" groups setup in...