Recent content by Mr_And3rsson

  1. M

    Project: Wood HTPC

    pointing out flaws isnt exactly "harrasing", just the truth and if u cant handle the truth i suggest u stfu if u cant build something properly then dont do it at all
  2. M

    Project: Wood HTPC

    so? it's still better that it looks good then look like crap
  3. M

    Project: Wood HTPC

    could've atleast used some good wood, and for the love of all that is unholy why use screws to put it together? there are so many ways to put it together WITHOUT using ugly screws...
  4. M

    I Just bought this used Case..looking for idea's

    yeah do that, i'm sure there's some cheaper options^^
  5. M

    I Just bought this used Case..looking for idea's

    yeah silver inside/black outside would look realy nice... but for those prices, i'd rather choose to do it with spraycans instead even though the result might not be as good but its gonna be alot cheaper
  6. M

    I Just bought this used Case..looking for idea's

    hmm dirt? what dirt? *cough cough* :D
  7. M

    I Just bought this used Case..looking for idea's

    looks like a very good case to start with, i think u can do just about anything with it. just use your imagination ^^
  8. M

    Side Panel Ideas, need help deciding:

    the ones i think looks the best is #3 and #5, those designs seem to fit the most, allthough if you're going with #3 change the angle on the vents on the left side so they have the same angle.
  9. M

    Project: Relic Crate

    hmmm im not to sure about that green stuff that you've added on the window... in one way it kinda looks good and it the build in another way i think that it doesn't fit and that it would look better if you could see the wood piece where they are broken off at the window
  10. M

    Simple mod / mesh / airflow - need some help / tips

    like i said in my previous post, if you know how to use a dremel, cutting a straight line is not a problem...
  11. M

    Simple mod / mesh / airflow - need some help / tips

    cutting straight with a dremel is not a problem if you know hoe to handle it.
  12. M

    Simple mod / mesh / airflow - need some help / tips

    use your dremel if you're gonna cut something like that out, it's easy and fast
  13. M

    My first case mod

    what did u use to cut that hole? =/ a sharpend rock or something? >_<
  14. M

    Case for external HDD?

    i've an external HDD for my computer that is currently laying on my desk since it's the only place for it, however it gets extreamly hot since it only has a very very small built-in exhaust fan, so i've been thinking of building a type of case for it with a couple of fans to get the temp to drop...
  15. M

    My first mod: Alienware

    what the hell?! it looks as if u cut the stuff out with both hands tied on your back and blindfolded =/ do me a favor and never EVER touch a dremel again! if u can't do it good, then dont do it at al! geez... as for the fans... a bit overkill huh? might lower the temp but is ugly as hell