Recent content by Mubata

  1. M

    Do You Really Need Antivirus Software?

    Surf the web through a virtualized client. Just keep a 'clean' duplicate of the virtual HDD. If the client gets hosed, delete and re-copy the client, starting afresh. With free virtualization software, and an old OS (or a free linux distro), there is no reason why your host OS should even...
  2. M

    Undercover Report From Foxconn's Hell Factory

    Everyone seems to be thinking that they only work 8 hrs a day... they don't. They work 8 hours then stop for lunch, then work 8 hours more. If you follow the links to the original chinese articles, you'll find that the 8 hour periods are divided into the first 8 hour work period and the second...
  3. M

    Windows, ReadyBoost, and RAM

    There are a few minor things that utilizing readyboost on large RAM configurations which speed up some operations. I live in an area with frequent lighting strikes. End result, my UPS often tells the computer to hibernate when line interruptions become severe. Since OS data is cached to...
  4. M

    Bill Gates Funds Artificial Clouds To Beat Greenhouse Gases

    Global warming, El Niño, climate change... call it what you like. We still don't have nearly enough data regarding the atmosphere or temperatures, to start making decisions which could lead to very real problems down the road. The volcano currently erupting in Iceland has spewed out more green...
  5. M

    'Smart' Grenade Launcher

    Receiving a security warning when trying to view the fact sheet is encouraging... :rolleyes: Pretty slick lil' unit though if it performs as well in combat as it does in testing.
  6. M

    3D TV is Bad For Drunk, Pregnant, Sleep Deprived Elderly Teenagers

    What?!? Nothing about epileptics for a change? or is that just taken as a given with all televisions these days? <---- (is epileptic)
  7. M

    If Pink Floyd Wrote Video Game Music

    Never thought I'd hear 'Money' translated for the NES. Nice find. :)
  8. M

    Windows 7 Review: You Can Quit Complaining Now

    Agreed. Unless W7 lingers like XP did for whole decade, I may even skip it. Can't justify to myself to cough up the dough when marketing strategy was the greatest difference between Vista and W7.
  9. M

    Apple Has Squandered The Gift That Was Vista

    First, I don't feel that Vista was a failure by any length, with the exception of not being poorly marketed. Vistas issues at launch were no worse than those of XPs at launch. And I still feel that Windows Seven, while an improvement, is certainly not the second coming of the savior some seem...
  10. M

    Software Piracy Cost the Industry $50B in 2008

    More to the point.... piracy costs nothing. It does represent potential revenue not earned, but it does not cost the makers one lil' bit. Pirates are those who would have never bought the game in the first place. As soon as you see any news blurb where the writers of the original article use...
  11. M

    Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

    :eek: Oops, I just caught that Ahzar, thanks for pointing that out though... I'm still needing the morning coffee it would appear.
  12. M

    Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

    Actually, if you look closely at the image they provided, they are using Luna to an extent. Looks like they aren't using Luna for the start-menu or taskbar, but only for open application window which is open in XP-mode. Which for Office, makes sense, since many of the long time Office users...
  13. M

    Blogger Compares Gaming Performance: W7 RC vs Vista SP1

    Hmm, those graphs are pretty much useless. 'Longer bars are better'... you gotta be kidding... right? There's no idea of scale or delta there, so those results could very well be within margin of error for seperate runs. I'm still not seeing all the fuss about Windows 7, it's not different...
  14. M

    China Insists It Does Not Hack Into US Computers

    Since China and Russia are seemingly the two single largest providers of internet plagues, the statement made by the foreign ministry spokeswoman is a bit hard to swallow. On the notes of China and the U.S. going to war some day, very possible, they cannot be ruled out as a distinct...
  15. M

    GSAT: The Geek Social Aptitude Test

    Got 23, and the stereotypes that fit were quite deserved. Though the sad part is, I realized I was using a binary method of counting on one hand to keep track of the tally.