Recent content by O-P-M

  1. O

    Which board to get with phenom II 560

    How do you get a free MOBO? Nevermind I see it.
  2. O

    Its High Noon! Red Dead Redemption released

    This is from the Red Dead wiki article....
  3. O

    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    Hopefully BF3 can come and save us all.
  4. O

    Whos buying COD:MW2?

    Was super excited for the PC. Now, not gonna bother.
  5. O

    Call of Duty 5 modern weapons mod

    Oh, I wasn't talking about you. Sorry.
  6. O

    Call of Duty 5 modern weapons mod

    Don't be a dick, you know I was talking about CoD WAW. There is a mod for WAW that puts in cod 4 guns into the nazi zombie mode. Didn't know if anybody had tried it before.
  7. O

    Call of Duty 5 modern weapons mod

    Anybody installed the Modern Warfare weapons mod for Zombies? I can't for some reason find the mod folder to put the files in... Anybody have any ideas or any other good mods for zombies?
  8. O

    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    Were they talking about taking Prone out? Like laying down, prone? Or am I missing something?
  9. O

    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    If this petition actually works and demand goes down. Although I think we all know the 360 and PS3 versions will probably sell enough to justify it. Anyways, could they open up the dedicated server option down the line? This is honestly unbelievable, and history making. I mean its the PC...
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    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    Maybe BF3 with COD 4 guns (tweaked for realism) and all the tanks, planes and everything you want. And dedicated servers....
  11. O

    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    reserved, waiting for software. i assumed
  12. O

    MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

    I'm confused. h|g clan says they have a server already for MW2? Whats going on.
  13. O

    Bf2 mod.

    Jokes are usually funny.