Recent content by OKANG

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    MSI PRO MOD - S3"YAZI" - Venator Class Star Destroyer

    Fantastic! I can't wait to see the 100% final product pictures.
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    Thanks, mashie! That means a lot to me coming from one of the best :)
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    After 4 years and countless hours of work, I'm happy to say this mod is finished. I realize all of the image links are now broken. It would take a long time to fix them and I'm not sure I will do it. HOWEVER, I uploaded most of the important pics to an album you can see here...
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    Casting knobS: I have been busy painting the bezel. No pics of it right now, but I have also been working on custom knobs for my Rheosmart 6. Here is a stock photo: The stock knobs are a little small and boring. They just don't look right on this case, so I took a bit of epoxy putty and...
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    I'm not really sure. Fiberglass work takes a lot of time. Making some of the tools, such as the hot wire foam cutters, required time as well. I never track time or money invested in case mods. I prefer not to be depressed :p
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    ProgresS: I have been hard at work on the case, as time allows. If the pictures look a little different, it's because my trusty old Canon bit the dust. The replacement Panasonic doesn't take great shots. Here is the full version of the teaser pic I posted a couple of weeks ago. I finished...
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    BACK The case lives! It has been a long time since my last update. The case went dormant for over a year, sitting in pieces in a closet. The good news it everything has survived and I'm making progress again. The bad news is SWTOR turned out to be a huge flop of a game. I played it for about...
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    Corsair "Barebones" Christmas Giveaway!

    I like Corsair because they consistently make great products and stand behind them with outstanding service. With Corsair, there is no doubt!
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    The case will be on hold for about a week, due to the holidays. I will have some updates soon! Thanks :) I have some ideas for the vacuum former, but it might not be for this case. I'm glad you like it! Yes, there are some similarities to the 500r and a bunch of other cases as well. Honestly...
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    For the Republic - A SWTOR Mod

    UPDATE: It's been a while! I normally update every week and it has been over two weeks since the last post. Sorry about that, but I HAVE been working on the case. So, there are a lot of pictures and quite a bit has been done. The first thing I did was clean up the chassis and paint it. The...
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    Project: Mod in a Week // "Fallout Cause SP"

    Same here. This turned out to be a nice mod, especially considering the tight timeline.
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    Project : Synthetica by AnG3L

    Awesome work :) I really like the end product. The only thing I might criticize is how the fiberglass piece meets and mounts to the base. It's not as elegant as the rest of the case. Overall, that is a very minor thing. Bravo!
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    Possibly selling my CaseLabs M8 case

    I think this belongs in the FS/FT forum, even though it's just a "feeler". GL with finding a buyer :)
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    Project: Aerodyne

    Simple and elegant. I like it!
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    Awesome! That mold looks very nice, especially since it was your first one. I am really looking forward to seeing some carbon :)