Recent content by oRdchaos

  1. O

    Microsoft Debuts Costly Raspberry Pi Alternative

    There are a bunch of different NUCs. The $149 one (with no ram/storage/windows license) with a Celeron 847 uses 13.8W versus the Atom in Sharks Cove at 1.63W. So almost an order of magnitude less power. The Atom in Sharks Cove is a quad core Atom running slightly faster, and best I can tell...
  2. O

    Microsoft Debuts Costly Raspberry Pi Alternative

    That board is targeted at Windows developers working on tablets and smart phones that want a board they can hardware on before they get their real hardware made. This is cheap compared to previous x86 single board computers from Kontron or the like. And it has a modern/new quad core Atom that...
  3. O

    Netflix Pays Up, but Verizon Keeps On Throttling Traffic

    I think Netflix and Verizon both agree on the problem. Netflix is sending all of their traffic to Verizon subscribers over their transit provider, Level3. Level3 has a history of peering disputes with lots of ISPs and backbone providers. They charge the least of any transit provider, then try to...
  4. O

    Google Drops Key Patent Claims Against Microsoft

    Nobody decides for a company if their patents are part of a standard and subject to FRAND. When the standards making organization is developing a standard, interested companies contribute their relevant patents if they are interested in having them involved. So if your patent gets included...
  5. O

    Apple Throws a Tantrum Over Court Ruling

    I'm not sure Apple adding phones to their list of grievances constitutes a tantrum, nor are the two events related in the least. Samsung added the iPhone 5, iPad mini, and latest iPad to some of their lawsuits. No one represented that as a tantrum based on their loss in the California court system.
  6. O

    Apple Throws a Tantrum Over Court Ruling

    I'm not sure where the tantrum stuff comes from. The author of that article links to a few other reports he appears to be using as sources, but none of them mention a tantrum or anything. Apple agreed to hand over the documents.
  7. O

    UK Court Orders Apple to Pay Samsung's Legal Fees

    Apple definitely seems to be crossing the line repeatedly and trying to out lawyer the courts in the UK. What will continue to be interesting is that the UK courts are pissed off with Apple because they are continually interested in trying cases in Germany, which has jurisdiction over the...
  8. O

    This Is Apple Court Ordered Apology To Samsung?

    Here's the link to the actual judgment issued. Everyone in the media who misconstrued this to mean 'apology' is woefully off the mark.
  9. O

    This Is Apple Court Ordered Apology To Samsung?

    If someone would bother to click and read a link instead of just jumping to conclusions, these forums would be a much better place. If you'd like to see what the judge actually said, here it is:
  10. O

    Samsung Claims Jury Misconduct in Apple Case

    I understand the question. I'm not sure you understand his answer. Lawyer: Have you EVER been involved in a lawsuit? Juror: Yes, I was involved in a lawsuit regarding my patents and my company. There were no follow ups asking him about being involved in any other lawsuits, nor was the...
  11. O

    Apple Recruiting Its Retail Employees To Fix Maps

    I thought they should just offer a couple cents worth of Apple account money for anyone who reports map corrections that get validated. Let people take GPS tagged pictures of a point of interest, and submit them. There are probably plenty of Apple users who would trade a few minutes here and...
  12. O

    Samsung Claims Jury Misconduct in Apple Case

    As typical with Apple/Android debates, people very quickly twist things rapidly out of context. Groklaw makes the link that this guy declared bankrupcy when sued by Seagate back in the day, and Samsung is now the biggest investor in Seagate, so this guy has an axe to grind against Samsung...
  13. O

    Borderlands 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

    I have an older 5830 running on a 955BE system overclocked to somewhere in the 3.6ghz range. Didn't have to edit any ini files and could just set PhysX to High or Medium from launcher or in game. In both cases, I seem to see all of the PhysX effects. High absolutely destroys my underpowered...
  14. O

    2' HDMI Cable Only $934.99

    With any digital error corrected signal a certain percentage of the link bandwidth is reserved for error correction. That means they can reconstruct the original signal *exactly* as it was transmitted even if a certain percentage of the signal is lost. If too much is lost, you get nothing on the...
  15. O

    Diablo 3 Director Apologizes for Facebook Remark

    I guess I just don't get the Brevik fanboys. There are plenty of developers who seem to take more than their fair share of the credit then move on only to fail. (Romero) At least the guys who made Torchlight have released something mildly successful after leaving Blizzard. Brevik has just...