Recent content by pentup

  1. P

    Dell Budget laptop

    i've run CS 1.6 on a 550MHz laptop with 256MB of RAM and no 3d processor, and it got 15-20fps. I'm sure this thing can do better.
  2. P

    Black Friday!!!!!

    Last year for Black Friday, I realized that there wasn't really anything that I wanted, but I have been going for 7 years or so and decided I should go anyway, and make a big deal out of it. So me and a few friends got in the Best Buy line at 11:30 or so, with a table, chairs, poker chips, a...
  3. P

    copying encryption key data to another computer?

    i guess ill get that AP.... i hate having to call these people up and make an appointment to do something it would only take me 10 seconds to do.
  4. P

    copying encryption key data to another computer?

    i recently moved into a new apartment where the only "broadband" available is a sucky wireless connection. when i moved in, a guy from the ISP had to come in and set up the wep encryption key for me... i asked him if he could write down the key for me becuase i tend to reformat quite often, but...
  5. P

    [H] Buttons

    I'm a simple man, and I like my animated .gifs the same way. #2!!!
  6. P

    G-Mail Invites consolidated here!!!

    I would like an invite also if there are any more out there :) [email protected]
  7. P

    Pc Games Dvds

    I guess I'll take A Fistfull of Dollars... And is that Clerks thing the Clerks Cartoon?
  8. P

    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    doh! /me sees if he can cancel that geforce6800NU he just ordered
  9. P

    Free Budweiser E-mail Account

    [email protected] All my friends call me that... Now its official I guess. :)
  10. P

    $15 Amazon Gift if you pass the IT quiz.

    Heh, looks like that CCNA certification is starting to pay off :) 1600
  11. P

    U.S. and canada free computer case with $40 rebate

    I could really use that case, but I think I'm gonna skip this one because I've had some bad experiences with Tiger Direct in the past.
  12. P

    up to 9 free switches (like all kinds man)

    So, uh... What kind of switches did you order? :D
  13. P

    Athlon 64 board and ram issues

    the current arrangement is going to continue production as a sort of budget range chip, while the new 939s are going to be the top of the line stuff. but if you ask me, the 754s are still damn good and theres not a big reason to wait unless you want the real good shit.
  14. P

    No avatars?

    I once heard that if you leave a page on the forums up over night, the avatars will come to life and steal your soul. Sounds pretty evil to me.
  15. P

    Allow BB code is sigs please

    i hate anything kind of text that deviates from the default text. heck, i say we get rid of that horizontal line and replace it with good ol fasioned ----------------------------