Recent content by PersonalJ

  1. P

    AMD Ryzen 7 3700X R9 3900X Guru3d review

    I don't think DDR4 can get much less expensive, if anything it gives DDR4 memory manufacturers time to collude and fix pricing.
  2. P

    Jony Ive leaves Apple

    Contractors in software roles are typically regarded as inferior to full time employees in terms of technical ability, hiring bar, and compensation. This is especially true at top tech companies (Apple being one as it is part of FAANG) as they aren't bringing in some external expert to fix...
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    Blizzard Hiring Spree Suggests Diablo 4 Is Being Fast-Tracked

    It isn't all that difficult for large companies to build software these days. In the case of a game they just need to iron out the game design and create the corresponding art assets. They don't even need to make their own engine these days, I don't see why they couldn't adapt Unreal. Blizzard...
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    Twitter Finds New Excuses to Shut Down Folks They Don't Like

    Social media sites are the modern public square. Malls are privately owned just as Twitter is privately owned.
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    Twitter Finds New Excuses to Shut Down Folks They Don't Like

    Except there's this...
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    nVidia CEO makes a comment about GPU supply

    GPUs are cheaper than they have ever been but you absolutely must mine on them to take advantage of the lower total cost of ownership.
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    Big Question - After 40 years do I abandon tricked out rigs for GeForce Now et al

    You don't need to build a new machine every two years, you could probably get by with every four to five years if you aren't interested in 4K gaming. Star Citizen is broken and runs terribly for everyone, at the current rate that game won't actually be released until 2022.
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    Price of Silicon Wafer Continues to Soar

    Financing computers used to be pretty common in the 90s and probably earlier.
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    GameStop Halts Its Unlimited Used Game Rental Program

    I went into a Gamestop last Summer and was surprised to find it had turned into a pawn shop. I hadn't been in a Gamestop since before they bought out EB Games in the early 2000s and was very disappointed, this brand is a zombie and will be gone like Blockbuster thanks to digital downloads.
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    System Shock Early Pre-Alpha Trailer

    This looks like Doom 3, the problem with that is it's no longer 2004.
  11. P

    Best Buy Geeksquad Informants for FBI?

    They're not informants, the author was confused by their silly job titles. Their job titles are literally like "Counter Intelligence Agent" and "Counter Operations Agent".
  12. P

    If A Self-Driving Car Kills A Pedestrian, Who Is At Fault?

    With caps on liability the insurance bill will be minuscule compared to what is currently charged. Accident rates for self-driving cars will be far lower and almost all accidents involving them will have an external, human driver who was the cause.
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    If A Self-Driving Car Kills A Pedestrian, Who Is At Fault?

    I think manufacturers will be liable but liability will probably be limited in terms of dollar amount because overall self-driving vehicles will greatly reduce traffic related fatalities.
  14. P

    Star Citizen Switching To Amazon's Lumberyard Game Engine

    IIRC he wanted $20 million, the $2 million via crowd funding was so he could approach publishers and demonstrate that there was a real interest in the product.
  15. P

    T-Mobile Workers Accused Of Selling Unwanted Services

    They've been doing this for years, retail sales with commisions leads to unethical behavior such as this. I have a friend who told me they were doing this seven years ago.