Recent content by poley

  1. P

    CERN Generates 1PB of Data Per Second

    for probably 95% of the analysis going on at the LHC experiments, LHC@home is pointless, The vast chunk of the analysis is done by users and each users analysis is different and requires access to detector information that cannot be easily choppped up and sent out. The complete geometry of a...
  2. P

    Putting Your Hand In The LHC Beam

    I'm not sure why they had to think quite so long about what would happen to a persons hand if placed in front of the LHC... For starters, at the Tervatron (Fermilab particle accelerator, about 1/4 the power the LHC is running at, at the moment) there was an inciddent with the beam in 2003...
  3. P

    Large Hadron Collider Live Webcast

    oopppss, apologies on the size of the image, any chance someone can resize it?
  4. P

    Large Hadron Collider Live Webcast

    I was forwarded this, apparently all is not well at CERN... seriously though, ATLAS got some very good collisions before the beam was stopped
  5. P

    The Large Hadron Collider Shutting Down For A Year

    the article doesn't really point out that the LHC will be in continuous running from now until the shut down. During that time it will be nearly 7 times more powerful than any other particle accelerator (Tevatron is 2nd in the list) in the world and should still give us insight into whether...
  6. P

    Largest Particle Collider Conducts Successful Test

    if folks are interested in what the beam does to one of the detectors (ATLAS) as it passes through, also for updates on the second beam's progress can be found here...
  7. P

    [H]ard Midnight Opening?

    I would have expected the [H] review up by now tbh. But then they do tend to go more in depth into the playable settings, image quality and such than other sites, but still, time is a ticking and I don't know how much more faff I can do at work while waiting for the review...
  8. P

    Internet Replacement Coming Soon?

    to be honest when you use it on a daily basis it doesn't seem all that special... The connections may exist but the grid middleware still has a long way to go before it is 100% reliable, heck, even if 90% of my jobs worked on a regular basis I'd be happy over the current 75-85%. Still, I'm...
  9. P

    ATi R600 Spy Picture?

    well, considering the 8800GTX is 10.5", 9.5 for the non-oem doesn't sound too bad. if you take a close look at the picture you can just about see where the end of the card and the beginning of the monstrous end bit of the oem cooler starts.
  10. P

    Puget Quiet Gaming @ [H] Consumer

    I'll just add my voice to the 2 already that NvCpl is a valid entry for systems with nvidia cards in them, although you can't tell from the picture provided in the article, if you had expanded the command column in msconfig you would have been able to see that the full entry is NvCpl.dll and not...
  11. P

    Passive watercooling...

    on the reserator... I installed the Plus 1 last summer and I’m very happy with the reduction in noise that the system gives out, only stuff that makes any noise are 2 case fans and the power supply, both of which are hardly noticeable. Heres what I have in the loop... P4 (Northwood)...
  12. P

    What is this a picture of?

    I've got the Northwood core (2.8Ghz @ 3.2Ghz) in a loop with a 6800gt @ Ultra speeds on the Reserator +1 and the cpu even on load never gets above 47C, although the Prescott is hotter than the Northwood I doubt you'd be seeing anything over 50C, which is better than normal air. btw, you might...
  13. P

    [H] News

    ditto, looks like the news script is taking a day off...
  14. P

    More ATI Missing Vertex Texture Fetch Info

    Firstly let me say this, I've had both Ati and Nvidia hardware in my computer over the years, the last two have been an ti300 and a 6800gt. I'm just interested in how industry is developing because in a year or so I'm going to upgrade and its useful to keep track, plus its a great laugh reading...
  15. P

    Zalman Reserator opinions

    forgot to mention I've also overclocked the 6800gt to near ultra speeds...(core=390 ram=1100) I'm not really trying to get massive overclocks, I've got a samsung 172x monitor so the max resolution I can take games to is only 1280*1024 and with the hardware I've got I can run most things maxed...