Recent content by Porphyria

  1. P

    Does such a thing exist?

  2. P

    Help... Please?

  3. P

    How does water-cooling Work?

  4. P

    Raid? Sata?

  5. P

    Anyway to unlock my motherboard?

  6. P

    Spring Cleaning

  7. P

    Will Intel Ever ..

  8. P

    Anyone else annoyed by this?

  9. P

    Emo kid gets a 360

    haha omg potatos!
  10. P

    Gaming Sweatshops..?! I just read this, and I guess it all makes sense now. You see, I used to be curious about WoW gold and all that(not that I'd ever buy anything like that, I mean come on..) and I'd go on ebay, and I'd wonder.. how the hell can all these...
  11. P

    Emo kid gets a 360

    HAHA. Damn. I wish I was as l33t as this kid, I mean damn, the bitches are really gonna be craving his epenis when hes six feet under completely erased from the world ;)
  12. P

    Looking for "graphics" Job

    Im just a kid, and I didnt mean to be so blatant, I wasnt trying to offend anyone. I'm just saying you need to try doing your own renders and maybe illustrating your own stuff, and get out of the forum sig genre.. what use is a forum sig to a company, ya know?
  13. P

    Looking for "graphics" Job

    dude I hate to be the one to tell you this but no company or anyone for that matter will ever pay you $ if all youre creating is sigs... sigs arent even art. Sigs are like "omg wtf gewgle image search a hot sexy render from a game im playing, throw some weird abstract brushing around, mess...
  14. P

    Does such a thing exist?

    oh damn-- i never thought about that.. EF()Q#)FJUI!! youre right. oh well..... thanks for the help.
  15. P

    Does such a thing exist?

    i guess not..?