Recent content by Pylon

  1. P

    Apple Sold 10M iPhones In First Weekend

    To all the people who say Android had it in 2012: Granted, I use an Android phone (used to the interface, and iPhones are expensive), but anyone who thinks iPhones are purely bought on marketing/hype merits (e.g. post #2) and not on any technical merits are kidding themselves.
  2. P

    New iPhone(s) on September 9th

    That's both illegal in several states and arguably suicidal (unless you're riding on a dedicated trail).
  3. P

    Samsung Galaxy Alpha

    Apple 2012 pebble look, which the iPhone 6 is obviously derived from:
  4. P

    USB Portable Charger Problem

    Can you post your wiring scheme? Might be something going on with ground loops.
  5. P

    HTC One Mini 2

    Especially since the Moto G matches most of its specs, other than the camera and construction.
  6. P

    So the OnePlus One is now here...

    The 64GB microSD is also probably much slower NAND than 64GB internal storage.
  7. P

    So the OnePlus One is now here...

    The size is a deal breaker for me. 5.5" is Note territory. Otherwise, seems great - the Samsung-style button layout is annoying, but can be disabled for software buttons.
  8. P

    Samsung Galaxy S5 Watch Thread

    I'd agree with the Ars review - it's a decent incremental upgrade, but Samsung never put much effort into their biggest weakness (design).
  9. P

    iPhone 6 Reportedly Launching 'As Early As September'

    I know exactly what they're for, but there are people whose actual views approach those extremes in terms of Android evangelism. As much as you're saying they're uncommon/rare, my point is that most Apple users aren't "Apple Crazies" either, just like most Android users aren't removable...
  10. P

    iPhone 6 Reportedly Launching 'As Early As September'

    Ugh, posted the wrong link.
  11. P

    iPhone 6 Reportedly Launching 'As Early As September'

    To be fair, most people who use iPhones are not Apple crazies, exactly paralleling how you said most Android users are not like these people.
  12. P

    iPhone 6 Reportedly Launching 'As Early As September'

    Never mind that Apple A7 beats Snapdragon 800 in most benchmarks, never mind that respected sites like Anandtech with staff who have actual computer engineering degrees supports the idea of two more powerful cores over moar coars, never mind the fact that you're making a completely non sequitur...
  13. P

    How often has your micro usb cable fail?

    I've had 100% of these fail. I bought about 5 of them and all cables stopped charging within 4 months. It's something with the connector. Now I use these and they seem to be holding up.
  14. P

    OnePlus One specs starting to be announced

    There's also some iPhone 5 DNA in there with the circular buttons and a bit of the chamfer.
  15. P

    Low price smartphone with..?

    If you can stretch it, the Moto G at $180 is an excellent phone. There's also many used options available at that price range. You can probably get the Galaxy SII at that price, which has a fairly decent camera.