Recent content by Render

  1. R

    3Ghz k10 + 2900XT's = 30,000 score in 3dmark 06?

    What if AMD used 3 2900XT like they showed off some time ago?
  2. R

    i spy w/ my little eye... a really big green hole

    Maybe because if you actually read reviews these cards have piss poor performance and to be honest I don't think two of them will get you anywhere near the performance of a single 8800gts 320...there is so much stock because no one in their right mind wants these cards.
  3. R

    Lapping HS found on the HD 2900 XT

    no I am young (18) and live with my parents (graduate from HS june 8) and they don't like to AC the house all the time. OT: CAN'T WAIT FOR VIRGINIA TECH!
  4. R

    Lapping HS found on the HD 2900 XT

    WOW it really looks like ATi dropped the ball on HSF quality...I wonder what other users will find. also isn't an ambient of 22 degrees C quite low? (72 degrees F)
  5. R

    HD 2900XT & Driver 8.38

    EastCoastHandle: I really hope it does perform better than a GTS because it costs more. On another note drivers can only do so is confirmed that r600 has an inferior architecture compared to NVidia this round...the only thing that can save them is MASSIVELY high clocks. IF...
  6. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    and do you see any blurs effects? :rolleyes: Your sir are a fanboy as it has been confirmed that there are MASSIVE IQ problems with LP and r600, but yet you are pretty much misleadingly saying they don't exist...
  7. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    ...the IQ issues were in DX 10 not 9 from what I saw..
  8. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    The performance tests were done in DX 9.0 not 10 so of course there werent any IQ problems...
  9. R

    ATI 2900

    hmmm maybe ATi's Vista drivers are terrible? seems like a driver problem... but in all seriousness you must be a major fanATic for buying 2x 2900xt...they perform worse than cheaper cards, and get owned in the new DX10 demo by 60 FPS...even drivers wont fix that everyone was wondering why...
  10. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    wow just realized that misread the card >.>
  11. R

    ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT @ [H]

    did you not see the results from Lost Planet Extreme Condition? Id say that warrants a comparison to FX5800...artifacting, poor performance, cannot render DX10 effects properly...sound familiar?
  12. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    No I understand that completely, I was however stating that blur or no blur ATi didnt improve much and was still 60 or so FPS behind. I for one think that its a graphics glitch for ATi or they are way overdoing the blur effect (it was on low...), I actually like NVidias High blur...the blur...
  13. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    IF you read the NVidia part you would see that there is indeed motion blurring.. AND if you read FURTHER for the cave part they compared ATi without motion blur and with and the improvement was only 5 or so FPS
  14. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    edit: your running in DX9 because?
  15. R

    Lost Planet: Post your Snow & Cave results

    To the results...all I can say is WOW NVidia dominates ATi in those tests...and NO driver update is going to bring a card up 40-60 FPS. So it is confirmed...r600 = FX5900 It doesn't matter though as (hopefully) the refresh for ATi will be out before major DX10 titles hit