Recent content by renegade8

  1. R

    step up gtx 570

    Well I got the gtx570 evga and am wondering if I should step up to gtx 580? I do not want to go sli right now, cause the power supply just wont cut it and I do not want to buy a new one at this time. I have 65 days left, pull trigger or wait and see if something comes out better closer to that...
  2. R

    gtx 280 sli vs gtx 570

    thanks for the quick posts. cash is strapped hence why I was thinking for less than 200 i could have sli gtx 280's. Ebay is selling them between $100-175. So I would not be able to get the $570 right now even if I wanted. Couldn't get enough for my card. My goal right now is my garage...
  3. R

    gtx 280 sli vs gtx 570

    my rig is in my sig. I have a chance to get another gtx280 ftw for less than 200. I am worried about the power supply not being able to handle sli. Would selling mine and buying a lone 570 get better performance than the sli 280's? I have been reading the searches and have not found many...
  4. R

    To Captivate or to...?

    Just got my captivate from letstalk and I have to say I am amazed by the phone. I have no lag in going to things like others are seeing. I came from a samsung eternity and iphone 3g before this, and I would trade both phones to have had this one the whole time. I am still playing around with it...
  5. R

    Modern Warfare 2 In Real Life

    wow technically the gadget guy won with 35.8 seconds and the spec ops guy did it in 42secs. But I would be embarased to be the gadget guy and having the real life guy be that close. The specs op guy had to physically run, shoot, jump, and climb stairs and he did it in 42 secs. Gadget show guy...
  6. R

    Mozilla Wins Out Over Microsoft in European Court Battle

    SUM IT UP microsoft removes iexplorer.exe shortcuts from ie7. EU customers have to order disk from manufacturer to install because as it was already stated without IE you cannot surf the web and download products as an average user. If EU does not like that, pull Windows from EU and let...
  7. R

    Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Thread

    Thank you for posting your settings. +1
  8. R

    Core i7-930 Unboxing

    microcenter b&m has them for $249
  9. R

    Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Thread

    i have the noctua nh-12p and its idle at 35 with my 920. That is with both fans and a not so good as5 application. going to redo the paste with nh1 this weekend now they sent it to me. Noctua customer service rocks by the way. Cooler is running on high and I cannot hear it in my scout.
  10. R

    Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Thread

    I am having a problem with my logitech x-540 speakers using onboard sound. I have the front speakers set to green, rear set to black, and subwoofer set to orange. I get the fronts to work and the middle speaker, but the rear and the sub do not work. When I test with 5.1 selected the subwoofer...
  11. R


  12. R

    pull the trigger i7-920

    well I dun did it now!! I bought the 920 and ocz gold memory. now to find the mobo. thanks for the replies
  13. R

    pull the trigger i7-920

    Well upgrade fever is in high pitch. Actually I feel it is necessary at this point. Which memory to get? I play fps and do photoshop. I have a gtx280ftw and that will have to last a while longer. memory
  14. R

    EVGA GTX 280 arriving tomorrow

    wow 8? Man I am just trying to keep the main rig going, let alone 8. LOL
  15. R

    EVGA GTX 280 arriving tomorrow

    well the great guys over at corsair supplied me with the 8pin connector for my hx620 plus the box says it has a converter. So I think I will be ok. The sucks part is have not been able to do anything with the card all weekend. LOL Oh well after tomorrow it will be installed, fresh vista 64 and...