Recent content by ronerik

  1. R

    Love your socket 754?

    I'm a proud owner of a 754 system. I bought an ASUS K8V Deluxe when it first hit Newegg and a 3000+ clawhammer. I bought a 3700+ when newegg had them for $100 (OEM) and it was a good machine. I wanted to upgrade (X800XT AGP showing age) but didn't have much options. So, I bought an ABIT NV8 mobo...
  2. R

    Conroe vs. AMD FX-62

    Anandtech and Firingsquad noobs???? If the article I posted is somewhat true, doesn't it seem fishy that they have to review the chips at Intel on Intels machines, release what they saw on June 4th, then get chips to test themselves? Has this ever been done this way before? I knew I was...
  3. R

    Conroe vs. AMD FX-62 My first post and starting off like this! Do we know for sure that Intel is not having problems with production? E6600 outperforming a FX62 for $300??? These guys that have the E6600 Conroe chips are these actually what the production chips will be...