Recent content by sanj101

  1. S

    Audio no longer working after fall - best next steps?

    @UnkownSouijer that was my first move - fortunately I have apple care however when I went into the apple store they said they would have to fix all parts that are damaged even if it is just cosmetic - I said everything works but the sound and thats all that needs fixing but I was told they...
  2. S

    Audio no longer working after fall - best next steps?

    Will be as brief as I can. My niece decided to jump from my bed onto my beloved MBA Mid 2013 whilst it was in it's neo-case Damage: One side of the MBA is slightly dented. Audio does not work What Works: Everything else -Screen, Charge, Keyboard etc Within Settings>Sound 'No Output...
  3. S

    Post your pc screen shots!

  4. S

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    Don't you find it hard having to dock your laptop behind all the screens all the time or do u just use it as a desktop
  5. S

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    Yup it suks to a new degree, thats the main reason i just use the mac for movies/TV shows etc. Begging for a new LCD but money ain't falling out of skys anytime soon. Darn skys:(
  6. S

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    My mac mini PPC connected to TV via svideo, used as a network based HTMAC if that makes sense, all files are played off teh mac but stored on the network.
  7. S

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    nice hope one day i can share the expirence
  8. S

    How to uninstall vista?

    In a word ... no
  9. S

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    love hwo everythign is availble on the desk no need to bend over to press any buttons
  10. S

    best way to listen MP3 player in car?

    I know you can ask the manufacturer if its any of the big hits to get a ipod dock built in very goo d i use a iTrip but found in different cars works differently
  11. S

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Nothing i can say really very nice desk, maybe some selves in the cubby holes
  12. S

    Post your pc screen shots!

    wow havnt seen that wallpaper in ages i missed it thnask
  13. S

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I love that serevr case especially how you've done teh screen just wow v. nice
  14. S

    playstation2 reliability

    ive got a phat one n runs fine