Recent content by SentryOptic

  1. S

    Project: Synthesis

    Quick little mini update for all you guys :) Just wanted to throw this picture up. I finally got all the pieces cut out on the scroll saw:
  2. S

    Project: Synthesis

    Sorry for the lack of updates, guys :) I've been pretty busy with school lately. And I should probably be working on other things right now, but I wanted to do the project log :D Allow us to begin. The first thing for this morning was to remove the glued frames from the clamps, where they...
  3. S

    Project: Synthesis

    Roughed out the design of the exterior :) These slats will be cut out with a spiral cut-scroll saw.
  4. S

    Project: Synthesis

    I've decided to build a case to house my server system. I use it all the time anyways, so I figured I might as well take it out of the lame HP case it's in right now. The term synthesis (from the ancient Greek σύνθεσις σύν "with" and...
  5. S

    Project: Homemade Aluminum case /w Copper highlights

    beautiful work :) I really love that button with the blue led around it. If I ever do a serious case mod (other than the companion cube one) I will be definitely using that.
  6. S

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    alot of you really need to take the time to remove the candy wrappers, dinner plates, and overall just excess crap from your desks..... it's kinda stupid that you don't take a moment of two seconds to take the damn plethora of granola bars off the desk. :rolleyes:
  7. S

    The Other Weighted Companion Cube

    For the record: I AM NOT MIKE. I Do NOT own a fully fledged out wood shop, nor do I have the skills he does :P That being said though, I started my cube at around the same time he started his, so this is reserved for when i finish this worklog. I will get the whole thing set up in due...
  8. S

    Weighted Companion Cube case

    I have been watching this since day 1. Now I finally registered for this forum, I need to see sum kyoobs, since I am doing my own mod anyways.
  9. S

    WTB: iMac or Mac Mini

    for under 500, forget Macs. build your own PC, doesn't have to be spectacular if it's for your parents. Want me to throw something together for under 500?
  10. S

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    Alright, I couldn't resist posting here :) I are teh new guy at teh 4rum. Here's some shots of the overall setup... (I'm a complete neatfreak) Dual 19-inch Hanns-G diplays, iPod touch, cable managed, Saitek Eclipse II, all the good stuff :D Pic of the neat-freakness of the whole...