Recent content by Sgtnukem

  1. S

    Who are the Windows gurus in here?

    Yes, you will be able to still see what's in there. The point is, to access the folder, Windows will "think ahead" so to speak and look what's in there. If there is, for example, a movie file in there that needs a codec you don't have, you'll get the errors or an explorer crash. You can usually...
  2. S

    Who are the Windows gurus in here?

    The other thing to check for is you have the proper codecs installed for whatever movies are stored in that partition. For example, if you have divx movie in there and don't have the codecs, you would get similar errors. What happens is explorer is trying to tie the file to whatever codec it...
  3. S

    Do you have a PERFECT 2005fpw/2405?

    My 2005FPW is perfect, no dead pixels, no backlight issues at all. Sarge
  4. S

    2005FPW roll call

    I just got my 2005FPW. Was sweating over the backlight issue for nothing. No backight issues at all, zero dead pixels. Couldn't be happier with it in fact. Also, since this is my first post after joining, hello everyone, looking forward to bantering. Sarge