Recent content by SlamDunk

  1. S

    Intel SSD 750 Review: NVMe for the Desktop @ [H]

    Fixed the link! Thanks. - Kyle
  2. S

    Windows XP: Is It Time to Move On?

    I'm amazed that people are even asking that question. XP is ancient, let it go... let it go. Windows 7 64-bit is the Windows XP of today.
  3. S

    Whoa! 1Gbps Internet Service, Just $350 Per Month

    1000/100 Mbit/s in Finland: For about 128 US dollars.
  4. S

    nVidia spends $2 Million on Crysis 2

    Crytek has always used their own physics engine, titled CryPhysics. It's the same case with CryENGINE 3. No PhysX, Havok etc. That Kitguru site does not know what they are talking about...
  5. S

    What it Takes to Shut Down a Botnet

    Yeah, I know. That quote from Aliens was just a figurative one.
  6. S

    What it Takes to Shut Down a Botnet

    I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  7. S

    New CryEngine 3 global illumination video

    Bunch of new Crysis 2 screens discovered in Crytek tech slides:
  8. S

    Cryengine 3 to Use in-house Physics Engine, No Havok Physics or PhysX Middleware

    Crytek have always used their own physics tech.
  9. S

    Japan Has World’s Largest Curved Plasma Display

    Meh. OLED for the win.
  10. S

    DIY Hardware Racing Sim

    I tip my hat to the amazing Live for Speed sim. Been a fan since 2002.
  11. S

    HP Demos Rollup Flexible Displays

    Already posted the Samsung one:
  12. S

    HP Demos Rollup Flexible Displays
  13. S

    Crysis 2 GDC 2010 Off-Screen Demo Reel Footage

    The problem with Crysis are the people who do not see the forest for the trees, what comes to gameplay.
  14. S

    Crysis 2 GDC 2010 Off-Screen Demo Reel Footage

    HD (cam version):