Recent content by slidez

  1. S

    SuperMicro X9SAE/-V - Xeon IvyBridge C216 ATX

    Can anyone else confirm what ram they have successfully working and not working? I know the kingston and hynix were mentioned earlier but since this will be my first ecc mobo and dont have any spares I want to make sure I purchase a confirmed set.
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    WHS upgrade to ZFS?

    Thanks for the extensive replies guys, it really gave me a sense of what I should get, I sort of wrote this late last night so I meant to say $500 in hardware for the upgrade, not including the costs of disks which I'll slowly buy over the course of a few months. Even then it seems I could...
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    WHS upgrade to ZFS?

    Hi Guys, Im currently running WHS V1 with about 6TBs of space. Im starting to get low on space and with so much data I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to something like ZFS and reap the benefits of redundancy and etc. I've been researching but I'm getting flooded with a ton of...
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    Question about Auto settings

    I have a newbish question, but is there any reason why I can't use AUTO settings for things like IOH voltage and etc when overclocking a i7-920? I seem to be getting great results just setting bclk to 200, vcore to 1.25, qpi to 1.25 and dram bus to 1.64 with temps at 70C on linx full load. When...
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    Critique my first time WC setup

    Ah yes good catch, I was thinking the DDC's but wrote 655 :( Another quick question, I'll be using 1/2 ID tubing, but Im unsure which OD to go with. 5/8 or 3/4. I know the 5/8 will probably give me more flexibility but Im concerned it might kink. What is the 'standard' for people using 1/2? Thx
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    Critique my first time WC setup

    So I've been researching and researching and decided to delve into the world of watercooling. I wanted to post my parts/plan layout and see if I could get some criticism. I have a budget of about 400 that I'm willing to spend to get top quality parts so let me know if there's anything better...
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    BenQ G2400W

    Is anyone having a problem with this monitor cycling modes by itself? I've just RMA'd my original for this problem, and a month later this refurbished one is starting to do it as well. If Im going to have to RMA this thing so often I might as well used the shipping money for a brand new monitor...
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    BenQ G2400W

    After 4 months of steady use my screen has decided to flip out on me. It started first with it cycling modes on its own, nothing that powercycling couldnt fix. Until it happened again....then again...then again. Today it came to the point where just leaving it on would cycle modes like some...
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    WHS beginner

    **A drive containing both duplicated files and non duped files fails** - I was under the impression that WHS duplicates files on a per drive basis, at least from what I remember reading and what I've seen with addins, so unless two drives fail, only data that was not duplicated is lost. I've...
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    i'm scared about my q6600 temps.

    I've about given up on trying to keep my temps down, and while running at 70C when warm and 65-68 when cooler while running prime, I doubt ill run into many probs with everyday use. I expect to upgrade the cpu within a year or two anyways. Guess I just got an unlucky chip
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    i'm scared about my q6600 temps.

    So im currently blowing a small fan at my open case and the temps dropped from 68 with AC on to 61C while priming. Its not a huge drop like 20C but could it be a sign i have poor case airflow? Heatsink feels like room temp and not warm at all...
  13. S

    i'm scared about my q6600 temps.

    Well I lapped my CPU and HSF last night and it didn't seem to change temps that much, it did make the cores slightly closer in temp to each other than previously. This makes me believe that I might have a mounting problem with my Xigmatek. I have the bolt-thru mounting kit so it should be okay...
  14. S

    i'm scared about my q6600 temps.

    I dont mean to threadjack but I didn't want to create another thread for the same exact issue so I thought I would post here. I seem to be having the same issues as the OP, running a G0 SLACR Q6600 @ 3.2ghz (400x8) with about 1.360ish vcore after vdroop. I get around 46-50C on two cores and...
  15. S

    Does this type of case exist?

    I currently run a fileserver thats using a midtower coolermaster case. I really want to change to a SFF so it fits in the apartment easier. The problem I have is that Im looking for a SFF case that supports 3x 5.25" bays. Reason being is that I have a 2 bay SATA drive cage which makes it easy to...