Recent content by solobaricsrock

  1. S

    Fan Speed?

    45 idle and 53 load......Are you crazy??? I would kill for temps that low on air cooling. Im at 50C idle and 69-72C load. Your GPU sounds almost like my CPU. 36 idle and 48C load. Of course im running a 600Mhz overclock on air cooling :D
  2. S

    CPU to match 8800 GTS 320mb

    see, i told you......QX6800
  3. S

    CPU to match 8800 GTS 320mb

    No you need to run a QX6800. There, I said it......
  4. S

    Now that the BioShock demo is out..

    Ive seen initial reports of better that 50FPS with all settings maxed on a 8800GTS. That aint shabby :D
  5. S

    2900xt and Bioshock.

    still no AA on DX10......Id still rather force DX9 for 4xAA. Im sure a 2900XT will be more than up to the task regardless.
  6. S

    Anti-Aliasing in Bioshock?

    I thought I did in my first post. Make a custom profile and force AA there. I was also assuming you had XP/DX9c so if not you maybe SOL. I have yet to convert to (the dark side) Vista for isuues like this. Sorry......
  7. S

    Hmmmm, Im impressed!!!

    I kinda got out of the loop of things for a few reasons: 1) I moved, and all the crap associated with that. 2) Before I moved I lived away from home (and my computers) for 4 mos. 3) what I had worked for what i needed 4) sheer laziness :D
  8. S

    Anti-Aliasing in Bioshock?

    Just create a custom profile and force AA from the NV control panel. There have been some people saying at higher resolutions (1680x1050 and up) that the lines have a very rough finish.......if you stop long enough to look. Most people who dont notice are at which point its...
  9. S

    Hmmmm, Im impressed!!!

    I did the upgrade to 163.44 from a old 93 series driver, and I gotta say im impressed. I took my clocks (mem & GPU) up 20Mhz on GPU and 100Mhz on mem, and WOW!!!!! I had never played with it, as anything over 580/1450 stuff just went haywire. Big color splotches everywhere, etc..... Well it now...
  10. S

    new comparison

    I agree with Phide's statement. Ive been a fan of Nv and SLI since the 6800 series was out, but am thinking a complete switch to Intel C2D, ATI, and Vista. I just want to see for myself what it can do. Ive seen 1900's and 1950's in action, and the visuals are comprable, but I (for whatever...
  11. S

    7900GTX vs 8800GTX

    I dont think i totally agree with that statement..... A 7950GX2 can (when overclocked with liquid or phase change cooling methods) hold its own against a 8800GTS SLI setup. I mean, my side by side has shown + or - 3 FPS between the 2. 7 series is still VERY capable of delivering the goods.
  12. S

    What gpu do u use and how is perfomance?

    I have a mildly OC'd 7950GX2 and its the shizzle. Plays everything I want at acceptable frame rates. Hell, I get 1000FPS in 3DMark01 lol. I feel my e-penis enlarging ;)
  13. S

    upgrading from dual 7900gs to 7950gx2

    Your joking, right??? There is maybe a 5-10% diffrence in performance between the 7950GX2 and a 8800GTS......
  14. S

    R600 DIE Photo

    Lol, so do I :D
  15. S

    R600 DIE Photo

    Pic doesnt does though. Good find. Also to answer about why the die is turned