Recent content by Spaghetti

  1. S

    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    There are multiple storefronts selling lossless music in standard formats (FLAC, WAV, etc.). As far as I know, no one has ever sold full-quality digital movies or TV in an open format. We don't need CDs because we have an equivalent digital alternative. We do not have that for movies, and...
  2. S

    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    I never bought into DVD or Blu-Ray because they seemed to be dead-end formats that would eventually be obsolete. Now that we have 4K, nearly equivalent to the source material, with little to be gained by going to 8K, I can finally buy something and not expect to replace it. Just in time for...
  3. S

    LG 32GS95UE – OLED 31.5″ with 4K @ 240Hz and 1080p @ 480Hz Support - The death knell of LCD panels

    If you ever get a chance to see them side by side in a dark room you'd understand. A matte coating smears the reflection across the whole panel and muddies the image. It's affected by the light output from the monitor itself, so it's always a downside, even if your room is setup so reflections...
  4. S


    For more than 10 feet you really need fiber optic. I had a certified HDMI 2.1 fiber cable from Monoprice and it frequently failed to connect. Replaced it with this one by Ruipro and it has worked fine for 4k@120Hz 10-bit. So yeah, it does seem like the...
  5. S

    MSI Monitor Cheats for You

    While it is technically cheating by definition, I'm skeptical it provides any benefit. It doesn't change what is visible or perform any sort of interaction for you. Arguably, it's less significant than a hardware macro for a glitch or even simply going from 60Hz to 120Hz. Mass produced...
  6. S

    Tesla Unveils Radical Cybertruck.

    There's a biiiig difference between spending $80k on a Tesla and $300k on a custom built electrified classic. There absolutely is a market for less complicated vehicles, but there isn't any reason for automakers to produce them. Why sell a car that will last forever and float through the used...
  7. S

    Apple still hasn't figured out how to make a wireless chip

    Sometimes there really is just one solution to a particular problem. If two completely independent research teams come up with the same solution, whoever gets it patented first wins. They shouldn't be immune to competition just because they refuse to license out their patent to anyone else...
  8. S

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    I think it's wroth pointing out that D3 was not too 'bright', it was too 'cartoony'. The complaints weren't the color or lack thereof, but the exaggerated/unrealistic proportions, animations, and particle effects. It did not help that it took a lot of style cues from WoW. D4 looks much...
  9. S

    Forza Motorsport(8) thread

    If the game is still looking washed out - I know this isn't really a solution, but if you have a screen capable of HDR, try that instead. At least for my setup, the game always renders in HDR, even when I don't have an HDR capable display connected. It actually looks pretty good on my TV...
  10. S

    Alan Wake 2

    Reminds me of Crysis, at release the best hardware available couldn't maintain a playable framerate in that either. The big difference is that Crysis looked massively better than most other games when it released. Alan Wake 2 is not such a big step forward. The fact that a $1600 GPU can only...
  11. S

    Best Buy to stop selling DVDs and Blue-rays tech news?

    Hopefully 4k discs remain an option anyway, but I'm not too optimistic. Being able to buy retail 'that day' is useful and Best Buy is currently the best option for (new) physical media. Lose that and I'm not sure how big the market is, does the average disc sell to someone who wants to watch...
  12. S

    Forza Motorsport(8) thread

    I wouldn't suggest playing FM8 with a wheel. It's better than 7, but only by virtue of being functional. I played around with wheel settings for an hour or so and never got to anything beyond 'it takes effort to turn'. I only have a G27, but it's still night and day between Forza and Assetto...
  13. S

    Diablo 4 review: The horror’s back, and we couldn’t be happier

    In D2 at least you end up with something different than what you already have, that might encourage a new build for a different class. In D4, at best, you get a very slightly better version of something you already have. D4 isn't a bad game, as long as you stop playing it around level 50 or so...
  14. S

    Forza Motorsport(8) thread

    Forza doesn't really have any competition on PC. Horizon and NFS don't even attempt realism, and the sims like iRacing don't have street cars. The original AC does, but it's ten years old. FM7 had it's issues, but it wasn't a bad game. I expect more of the same from FM8, and not much else...
  15. S

    small atx case

    I spent a while looking for a small case to fit a full-size ATX mobo somewhat recently and ended up with a Thermaltake Core G3. The materials are cheap, standard steel and plastic, but it's well made and gets the job done. Plus, it's a lot more reusable than buying a new motherboard for the...