Recent content by Spud387

  1. S

    ACER XB270HU - First IPS G-Sync Monitor

    If the specs are true (which seems likely since all media outlets are reporting on it) the XB270HU could be the new king ahead of the ROG Swift.
  2. S

    Dell U2715H (new standard gamut model, successor to U2713HM)

    Does anyone know the input lag & pixel response on this model? This is exactly what I am looking for, but need a better response than the U2713HM had. Hoping for something close to the U2412M
  3. S

    Dell U2715H (new standard gamut model, successor to U2713HM)

    Has anyone found a review of the 2715H showing its input lag compared to the 2713HM like AnAndTech has done: I currently have a 2412M and would be ok with a similar response time, but the 2713HM had...
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    Need help deciding between BenQ XL2420TE & Dell U2412M, I am at the end of my wits

    Thanks, for the help, I ended up buying the BenQ from a place with a return policy hoping it would be to my liking . Brought it home and yes, while the colours can look very good, for whatever reason, the font is just too pixelated and harsh compared to the e-IPS's next to it (spent 3hrs...
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    Need help deciding between BenQ XL2420TE & Dell U2412M, I am at the end of my wits

    That is why I am so torn. I think color quality means more to me, but the supposedly good colors of the BenQ (for a TN panel) could be good enough that I'll like it and gain all of the benefits of it being gaming specific. So I am torn about if those features of teh BenQ really do make a big...
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    Need help deciding between BenQ XL2420TE & Dell U2412M, I am at the end of my wits

    I just bought a new PC (specs listed below) and I am torn between two monitors: BenQ XL2420TE & Dell U2412M. I know, very different displays, but I am having trouble deciding. I need your help!!!! Originally i was going to go with the Dell because I already own two Dell 2209WA's and I love them...
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    Ikea desk gallery

    Thanks for the input guys! As it turns out, I was able to get a used desk yesterday afternoon. It turned out it was an office closing so when I thought all I was able to get was the corner piece, I was actually able to get: Corner desk-left 3x T-Legs 2x Extension Tops Extension Half-Round for...
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    Ikea desk gallery

    Hey guys, I plan on upgrading to a Galant desk. I love the setup that Elite Sniper has If I was to buy the "L" shape with T-legs used from someone, should that desk have all of the pieces installed on it or are there extra pieces you have to store to be able to attach the extensions at a...
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    Antec 900 Etching Casemod

    Don't worry I will. I have some ideas in mind ;) just have yet to use my engraver. Now how did you go out doing the engraving? Did you: - draw onto the acrylic then etch away what you had drawn? - attach a stencil that you had drawn to the acrylic and then etch away using that? - etch...
  10. S

    Antec 900 Etching Casemod

    I own this, how is this thing for etching in a design like what you did? Also what would work better on Acrylic, the regular bit or the diamond tip bit?
  11. S

    Weighted Companion Cube case

    What has happened to our OP? I saw all the news about this Companion Cube PC and I was like "Did he finish it!!" Then i realized it was a different one. It has been far too long since the last update. What happened?