Recent content by Spyder

  1. S

    acceptable athlon xp 2400+ temperature

    are u using stock cooling or something differnt? or planning to change
  2. S

    good motherboard with these specs?

    brand name any in pictular? becuase we can just hook you up with a chain tech, or something name a brand that you like msi,dfi,abit anything???
  3. S

    DIY -111C Cascade Cooling

    5.1g'z he should run a bench on that post it up on futuremark
  4. S


    sometimes it does that.. you might also notice it might slow back down to regular speed... kinda like breaking the bar i guess, mine did something like that 2 it was like 2.2ghz then i oced to 2.5 then back to 2.2 but its like 2.25 now meh..
  5. S

    hp pavilion work : )

    that looks like the sex ill keep watching dis
  6. S

    filling stamped holes in steel chassis?

    bondo.. epoxy.. or even tile sealer.. or silicon will work but oyu hvae to use bondo as well
  7. S

    bought a new case and it fried my MB :(

    dont ever listen to any one from comp USA.. the same guys that ship out your package.. thats their text support as well
  8. S

    CoolerMACster mod

    sexy.. Mac Bootlag.. i likes it.. i likes it alot
  9. S

    Mount Doom Case - side panel done!

    thats the sex baby nice work..
  10. S

    I am so stuck

    you should have pee'ed on the old one and set it on fire to kill the demons inside before you sent it back
  11. S

    I am so stuck

    did you check the back of the powersupply to see that it is set to 115v not 220v.. small things like that could mess you up
  12. S

    My koolance setup (pics inside)

    what board you planning on getting?
  13. S

    Cool robots
