Recent content by TheBlank

  1. T

    MAJOR system issues, need advice

    Yeah, I know that it isn't the fault of my build or my experience, it's just difficult when people start looking to you as a computer guy (that they're willing to pay). They start having unreasonable expectations of how quickly or cheaply you can fix something, and that's both difficult to...
  2. T

    MAJOR system issues, need advice

    Sorry in advance for the "book," this has been two weeks of hell. Okay, so I built a machine for a someone several months ago. I'd built a karaoke machine for her bar, and she was impressed enough with the work that she wanted me to replace her other machine with something similar. So, some of...
  3. T

    GTX 980 SLI + 3 Displays Boot issue

    I've tried connecting to the second card even though everything I was reading about the 980's told me to connect to the primary. Whatever display I connected to the second card did not even show up in NVidia control panel as an option. I'm not sure if I have to shutdown and swap, or if I can...
  4. T

    GTX 980 SLI + 3 Displays Boot issue

    Long time since I've posted here, but I'm running into an odd issue with my new machine: I just built this machine (specs in the signature below) from the ground up in the past two days. Before I connected my second and third monitor, I made sure to install all of the updated drivers...
  5. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    That $80 deal is hard to ignore. However, I've been reading some issues with the controller for WD USB3 connections in their 2.5 offerings becoming temperamental. I'd be curious to see if this drive follows a similar design structure or issues. I'm combing around for reviews as I write this...
  6. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    I've only ever seen Western Digital Caviar Green drives, never ran into a plain old "Green" non-caviar drive. Thus, I have a tendency to leave out the "Caviar" and simply refer to the color involved. Similar to this., although obviously not 6gb/s and older. And thanks for finding that Touro...
  7. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    Actually, it is Cavalry. It was the external hard drive maker, that happened to use WD caviar drives. For example
  8. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    Sorry if I seem difficult or a "brick wall." Trying to multitask here, and my communication skills are definitely not catching up with me. I appreciate all suggestions. I guess I mean to give my experiences as a reply, but still leave the conversation open to things like "well that might have...
  9. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    I do have backups, including a dedicated RAID array in a fileserver. However, I'm not 100% certain that I had backed up my one external recently. I'm fairly confident that everything was saved, but I'd like to be 100%. My gf, however, does not have a tertiary backup system, despite my...
  10. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    I figured that formatting the drive to NTFS would be the proper course of action, but with these drives seemingly becoming more and more picky, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't some odd interaction with that drive and NTFS. 5 years is my norm with drives, sometimes longer. But the only...
  11. T

    External Hard drive woes - recommendations

    Ok, all these problems have hit in the last 2 weeks so I'm looking for some recommended replacements. I had two external hard drives, both Cavalry. One of them an older 1 TB (3+ years old), the other a 2TB (1 - 2 years old). My girlfriend had a Western Digital My Book drive 1TB (2 years...
  12. T

    Multi system failure...testing power outlet?

    I think I may have found one reason, or at least a complication. While a good deal of my issues have happened before I purchased a Corsair Obsidian 800D case, most of my hard drive failures (which I believed to have been caused by failed motherboard controllers) have occurred while using this...
  13. T

    Multi system failure...testing power outlet?

    Thanks for the reply. No other machine in the house fails as often, or in the same manner. Only mine. I've already ordered and received a new UPS. I just have to wait for my new back plane to arrive before I can rebuild my system.
  14. T

    Multi system failure...testing power outlet?

    I'm beyond frustrated at this point in time. I have had major hardware failures for years now, and have always chalked it up to bad luck. I've built dozens of systems for others that have stood the test of time, yet I've had to rebuild my main system from scratch around once a year. Motherboard...