Recent content by Tom B

  1. T

    Logitech G910 Mechanical Keyboard

    I'm really tempted to get one of these to replace my very old Logitech G15 (original version!) however I mostly use Linux. Is it possible to control the colours from the android app? Maybe I'll wait until some enterprising developer writes a linux version of the software.
  2. T

    Why do cards still have DVI ports?

    DisplayPort is the future but it's a chicken and egg problem. GPU vendors need to support older monitors without DP and monitor vendors need to support older GPUs. This results in newly built hardware still containing the old connectors. For example a brand new Samsung S19D300NY has only a VGA...
  3. T

    1366 x58 Xeon Enthusiast overclocks club

    Slightly off topic but I just nabbed a X5870 and want to upgrade my RAM. I see several people with X58 boards are running over 24gb, which I didn't know was supported. Does anyone know if a P6T-SE will handle 8gb DIMMs with the Xeon?
  4. T

    Is there any benefit in memory faster than 1600mhz for a i7-4770k

    out of interest, is that possible on non-k chips?
  5. T

    GTA IV Question

    The problem with GTA4 is that it doesn't support anti-aliasing at all. I have no problem with FPS on my almost 5 year old system ( i7 920, Radeon 5870, 12gb DDR3)... however the game looks awful because of the lack of antialiasing.
  6. T

    Is there any benefit in memory faster than 1600mhz for a i7-4770k

    I'm looking at and it says: Memory Types DDR3-1333/1600. Does this mean that faster memory will just be clocked down to 1600mhz making it irrelevant? Is faster memory only useful for overclocking or does it provide some benefit at stock? Is there any...
  7. T

    Upgrading.. motherboard + processor what can I keep?

    Thanks, I'll probably stick with the PSU at least for now but replace the RAM. Yep! that case has served me well over the years, I have no desire to replace it any time soon!
  8. T

    Upgrading.. motherboard + processor what can I keep?

    Thanks for your answers, I hadn't considered RAM voltage to be an issue. After a google search, the Vengence 8gb (2x4gb) RAM Is 1.5v exactly, the XMS3 is 1.65v (I'd need to reboot to tell but I'm fairly sure I have them both running at 1.5v or possibly less. I have no OC at the moment.) If the...
  9. T

    Upgrading.. motherboard + processor what can I keep?

    I'm looking at upgrading my motherboard and processor (for now). The motherboard is slightly faulty, nothing major but irksome enough to warrant a replacement and I may as well upgrade in the process I currently have: i7 920 Asus P6T SE motherboard 6gb Corsair XMS3 DDR3 XFX HD 5870...
  10. T

    Is there a worthwhile upgrade for an i7 920?

    Back in 2009 when I bought it, it was the best bang-for-buck CPU available. I'm looking at upgrading my entire rig which is: i7 920 (Currently at stock but I ran it at 3.8ghz for quite some time) 12 GB DDR3 XFX Radeon 5870 As you can see, typical mid-high end PC from 4 years ago...
  11. T

    Best way to use a second monitor as a TV?

    Actually, yes! I hadn't considered anything like that, that may be a better option! What options are there for streaming HDMI video over WiFi and then receiving it on a PC?
  12. T

    Best way to use a second monitor as a TV?

    Hi everyone, I have Sky+HD a TV service here in the UK. I'm looking at buying another monitor to replace my dated second PC screen. However, I'd like to be able to use it as a TV when I'm not using it as a computer screen. I can easily get a cable from the TV box to the PC (It's through a...
  13. T

    Improve i7 single threaded performance?

    So you're essentially saying that HT doubles the speed of the processor? Look at it this way: if 8 cores are at 100%, all at 2.66 ghz then the cpu is doing twice as many calculations as it would with HT off? That seems like a huge--and unlikely--performance boost.
  14. T

    Improve i7 single threaded performance?

    I don't understand that. There are 4 physical cores, HT makes it show 8, but if what you suggest were true, then I would be seeing load on 2 logical cores, wouldn't I?
  15. T

    Improve i7 single threaded performance?

    Well the game (Carmageddon 1!) itself is running through DosBox, so it's not using hardware acceleration and the performance is all down to the CPU. I'm never seeing over 15% total CPU usage, but the core it's using is always maxed. In theory at least, having it max at 25% instead of 12.5%...