Recent content by usedmedia

  1. U

    Have an old Klipsch 4.1 speaker system? Did it die? I bet you can fix it!

    Thanks for the suggestions. When I opened it up everything seemed nice and tight, and I didn't notice anything loose. When I pushed down gently on the speaker cones, they would spring back up. At this point I may just go ahead and invest in a regular 2.1 speaker setup. I have a spare...
  2. U

    Have an old Klipsch 4.1 speaker system? Did it die? I bet you can fix it!

    So I have a set of these that I've been using for the past 12+ years. They have been wonderful during this time, but very recently the subwoofer began to rattle. It was bad enough that I couldn't enjoy games or music anymore, so I hooked up some cheap PC speakers in the meantime. Is my sub...
  3. U

    Hooking up old receiver to powered computer speakers

    Hello, I'm somewhat of an audio noob and looking for any advice. Some background...I've been using a set of Klipsch ProMedia 4.1 computer speakers for over 10 years, mostly for gaming and music. They still sound pretty good, the only problem being the scratching sound when changing the...
  4. U

    Please evaluate my build

    Thanks so much for the clarification. I edited the original post and changed my selection to a P55 motherboard and a 4 GB memory kit to match the CPU. Of course, I'm open to any recommendations for different brands and/or models. Also, anyone have a suggestion for a nice mid-tower case and...
  5. U

    Please evaluate my build

    Thanks for the heads-up, I didn't even realize that Intel has different sockets for the Core processors. I just assumed they were the same, silly me :).
  6. U

    Please evaluate my build

    Hello all, I finally decided to build a new PC after 5 years of using a P4 system. I'm slowly catching up on all the new tech and products and this is what I have so far. Basically I just want to make sure I'm not gimping myself or buying overkill in one area. This PC will be mainly used for...