Recent content by Ver1tas

  1. V

    E4300 and DS3...Cant seem to OC

    I did the same thing , getting Gigabyte DS3 variety 965G instead of 965P. Same price on the egg, and i didn't catch it until after it shipped. oh well, reviews place it as the same performance as it's P brother. Haven't recieved it yet though :(
  2. V

    car audio ?

    Pretty sure there is a car audio section in the subscription side of the forum. Is this a new install? Verify your ground is still good first off and then the remote lead and the other connections.
  3. V

    winamp, foobar, WMP. What do you use to listen to music

    I went from itunes 6 to Winamp 5 since itunes was running slow for me with version 6 and wouldn't import certain files for me. Foobar plays all the mjaor ones, ogg, flac, mp3, and so on right? I like the way foobar looks i might check it out if it has the watch folder feature that winamp...
  4. V

    i need a good set of 2 speakers

    check out the advent heritage h300- everyone on avsfourm seems to be raving about the quality of those. 69.99 a pair or the insignia's for 50 except they aren't mag shielded so if you have a crt they might not be so good...
  5. V

    Audio system advice.

    So the deal is, i have promedia ultra 5.1's but i don't need 5.1 and my room is small, plus i think they sound pretty average. I'd like something a tad nicer, in a 2.0 maybe 2.1 later setup. My budget is around 500ish and I will be using this with my Xbox360 and my computer for music almost...
  6. V

    So I won a PhysX Card.....

    Do you have a dog? If so maybe it could chew on it and then you could pee on it and light it on fire? Real answer: Get the Core, they are looking good on all the benchmarks
  7. V

    So you have $300.00 TODAY, what do you do to enhance gaming?

    fixed^ anyways, the percentage claim is not invalid, if a multiple choice poll made it invalid then how can you pick 2 people in a category when you vote.
  8. V

    So you have $300.00 TODAY, what do you do to enhance gaming?

    Meh, it's cool though, my colleagues and I get a kick out of reading his posts everyday.
  9. V

    So you have $300.00 TODAY, what do you do to enhance gaming?

    wow, the poll was setup to let you check the options you felt most applicable to you, if you had voted you may have known that. sorry i should have said "D) you FLAME, call them viral marketers and point the finger at everyone who even slightly disagrees with you. so i'd say turnabout is...
  10. V

    So you have $300.00 TODAY, what do you do to enhance gaming?

    B) the MSRP is 299.99, It's 260 at most retailers now, newegg has a special not a permanent price drop so don't say it. C) you can't vote more than once. D) you point the finger at everyone so i'd say turnabout is fairplay for him.
  11. V

    How many gamers would it take to "force" adoption of the PPU?

    rargh, you disagree??, VIRAL MARKETINGS!!!1! All jokes aside, the poll isn't a good representation since the sample size isn't large enough.
  12. V

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Here is mine, i try to keep it as uncluttered as possible.
  13. V

    How many gamers would it take to "force" adoption of the PPU?

    About 4-5 of those games actually listed next to developers are out and only one of them was good (rise of legends). That list actually makes me want to buy a ppu less since nothing i want is on it. when that changes i'll sure as heck be ordering one. i believe that a majority of gamers are...
  14. V

    Interview with Ageia

    Fixed ^ Wow, I agree with you that PhysX is better and all but you outright flame everyone who doesn't so much i can't even take you seriously anymore. And R1ckCa1n/jebo_4jc you are right, what games on that list are actually good? well none except for ut2007. edit: I guess warhammer...
  15. V

    Anyone have the ETA for PCIE cards yet?

    I know you can but pci-e tv tuners(had to go usb 2 since i have one usable pci slot) when i looked in march were not plentiful and there weren't any sub 200 sound cards for pci-e. I'm just saying slowly they should stop producing pci stuff. SO if they only made new tech in pci-e (like you...