Recent content by Vertigo Acid

  1. V


    And hell, none of us were even moderators back then. We don't have shared memory going back 7 years, you know. Even if we ban him right this moment, that doesn't get your money back. We don't immediately ban trolls so PMs still flow. There'd be complaining about not being able to get in contact...
  2. V

    Possibly LF Short strokers

    No interest checks. if you're buying, make a new thread saying WTB or WTTF.
  3. V


    Doesn't look like he's been on the forums for over a month. Did you get an email address or any other contact info?
  4. V

    Bridging two LANs so all computers can see each other

    Moved to networking, as this has nothing to do with LAN parties per se :)
  5. V

    Dirt 3 Steam voucher codes $20

    Vouchers included with video cards are not for resale
  6. V

    [FS/FT]Custom single sleeved cable extensions

    If you're selling customizations, it falls under: (22) The buying, selling, trading or solicitation of SERVICES is prohibited. Furthermore, making these for the sole purpose of resale falls under: (24) No Dealers or Vendors allowed. Rule Exception: If you have a great deal to bring to...
  7. V

    FS: Dirt 3 Promo Coupon

    Codes included with video cards are NFR
  8. V

    not sure if this has been posted yet...lulzsec hacks cia website

    Not about gaming. There's a thread about this in Front Page news
  9. V

    Misc Gear FS/FT (Will keep updating)

    Still trying to get ahold of you, please PM me back
  10. V

    WTT/WTS Cisco Catalyst 4006

    (6) You must Post a PRICE unless the item is purely FT. (trading for cash still means FS)
  11. V

    New i7 950 / New ASUS Rampage III Formula

  12. V

    Cheapest Laptop Shipping Box?

    First off, please DON'T SHOUT IN THREAD TITLES With that out of the way, I'd second either of the suggestions thus far. I've shipped a lot of cheap 15" and under laptops in medium flat-rate boxes, and for expensive or large things I've tended to ship FedEx ground in either the original shipping...