Recent content by VRMan

  1. V

    New Build Opinions Please!

    Wow really? I thought I was "following the rules", I did what you asked, and still, you are haranguing me about the form rather than helping me with my list. I posted what I thought would be a good setup. I wasn't asking anyone to build it for me. If it is this much trouble to get some opinions...
  2. V

    New Build Opinions Please!

    Ok, next week.
  3. V

    New Build Opinions Please!

    Here you go: 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming mostly, some photoshop, dvd ripping/conversion, video editing, music 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? <$2500, yes 3) Which country do you live in? If the U.S, please tell...
  4. V

    New Build Opinions Please!

    Wow, ok, well that's good to know! :o I thought those matx cases would fit full size cards. I'll have to do some digging then and find out what will fit. I didn't really want a full size case.
  5. V

    New Build Opinions Please!

    Thinking about building a micro atx size desktop. I have been using gaming laptops for the last 5+ years. This will be used mainly for gaming, but also video/photo (ripping dvds & photoshop) and music. I really like being able to "multi-task" on the computer. Trying to future proof a little too...
  6. V

    Planetside 2

    How do you guys setup your joystick in the game? When I try to assign directions, is shows up as a gamepad in the game, so i only have 4 directions, up, down, roll right, roll left. I want to be able to fly with my joystick like I do in flight sims. Not have to use the keyboard to yaw. Same...
  7. V

    Ebay Bans Sale of Potions & Magic Spells

    I hear Meth has a good profit ratio, you might want to try that! :p
  8. V

    Dotcom: MPAA / RIAA Corrupted the U.S. Government

    Whats so new about this? Corps do it with the EPA to get restrictions removed or make it harder to impose restrictions down the road. Been happening for a very long time.
  9. V

    [H]appy Birthday to ME!

    HB!! :p
  10. V

    Courts Okay Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking

    Did you have rockets attached to that Yugo?! :p
  11. V

    Courts Okay Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking

    I KNEW Bigfoot was real!!
  12. V

    Chrome Bug Hunters Made Big Money

    Wow, now THAT is the way to keep your application awesome! I can imagine if they were crappy $25 per bug/security hole, there wouldn't be much interest. But those are really great incentives!
  13. V

    People Without Facebook Accounts Are 'Suspicious'

    I fear for the future of mankind with the extension of high school society to people's mid life before they discover "real life". If, in fact, they ever actually do. :(
  14. V

    Woz Predicts 'Horrible Problems' With Cloud Computing

    So because Woz says it, we should take it seriously now? I guess I need to start checking with Woz more often!!