Recent content by wevsspot

  1. W

    A64 OC Database & Overclock Guide

    Lets see if you guys can access my webspace here. Just click on the "Photos" tab.
  2. W

    A64 OC Database & Overclock Guide

    still no pics. sorry. can't get my webspace to work in this forum.
  3. W

    A64 OC Database & Overclock Guide

    Running "naked" absolutely the best 2 hours i've ever spent o/cing Model: 3000 VENICE Full CPU Code: ADA3000 AA4BP LBBLE 0520APMW Mhz: 2.610 mhz Gain: 810Mhz Gain Vcore: 1.50v FSBxMulti: 290HTTx9 (Divider at 166Mhz) Stable: 32M SuperPi, All benches completed (3dmarks01, 03, 05)...
  4. W

    Viewsonic VP201B 20.1" 16ms LCD "Mini-Review"

    Ray Sheppard, I've got a similar problem to the one you described. After about two weeks of use my VP201B started making a very audible single "pop" noise about every five minutes. Sounds like it is coming from the bottom control panel. Did you ever get your issue resolved? Did you end...
  5. W

    Viewsonic VP201B 20.1" 16ms LCD "Mini-Review"

    Let me expound a bit. Barely visible "white" vertical streaks on the monitor screen when viewing a black background. Would also like opinions on back light bleeding.
  6. W

    Viewsonic VP201B 20.1" 16ms LCD "Mini-Review"

    I'm preparing to write another mini-review on this monitor. Before I do I'd like to know if anyone else using this monitor has notice barely visible vertical streaks in their screen when veiwing a completely black background?