Recent content by Windfire

  1. W

    Seasonic Topre Type Heaven Keyboard and S12G PSU Lucky Draw

    I've got Seasonic or Corsair in all 4 of my systems. Love them. Always looking to build a new PC in the future.
  2. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Yes, I'm on P28 (part of original post details). Take a look at my most current message to eVGA (below). What do you recommend I do? I really don't want to RMA if I can help it. ======================================= I’ve experimented with the Corsair 6400 C4 DIMMs. I tried booting...
  3. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Yeah, I'm hoping they'll fix this issue over time. I'm in the profesional IT field and this appears to be a CMOS "check" bug of some kind. If I could somehow talk to someone that knows the inner workings of the CMOS initialization he/she could probably have a pretty good indicator of what the...
  4. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    UPDATE: Thanks for your input. As we've discussed, it appears to be a RAM issue. I did some experiments. First, I removed the second Corsair stick. It booted fine (problem gone). Second, I replaced the first stick with the second stick. It booted fine again. Third, I placed the...
  5. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    I'll let you know how it turns out. One thing that is odd though... Other than the cold boot errors, I have >NO< problems with software/games in Windows so far. I've played HL2 ep1, Oblivion and samples of other games with no lockups, BSODs or otherwise. FYI, I'm using hi-def textures...
  6. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Well, I'm still getting the error. I've even reset my BIOS to defaults. Precisely, on a cold boot on LED status "C1" I get a long beep and then the Post comes up with the "Safe Mode" message and that I should "reset my CPU or memory frequency" or something like that. I go into BIOS and exit...
  7. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Thanks. I'll let you know if that helps. I think I know what happened. The BIOS showed [Auto] and current setting was 1.27v. I assumed that was the stock speed. I probably wasn't. Thus, I thought going to 1.28v was giving it a bit more juice. :) I'll try 1.325v (the best I could find...
  8. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Follow-up: I've removed the CPU OC and changed voltages back to [auto]. I get the "now in Safe mode" every cold boot. I have to go into Bios, hit F10 (save) and then reboots fine. Ugh. Ideas?
  9. W

    eVGA 680i cold boot errors

    Symptoms: I get various errors on cold boot. If it boots correctly all software runs stable and I’ve had no lockups or other crashes when the system boots fine. On cold boots I can get one of these three: 1 – C1 LED code Long beep repeats forever until I turn it off or hit reset button...
  10. W

    LCD TV @ 1360x768 for PC -- Nvidia work?

    Good to hear--I asumed it would work. My concern is you have to take the leap kind of by faith as I can't add the custom resolution now with the existing monitor I have. Another part of my concern is that it appears most LCD TVs don't come with INF files for installing--which again means I...
  11. W

    LCD TV @ 1360x768 for PC -- Nvidia work?

    Has anyone here attached a 1360x768 LCD to a Nvidia (I have 6800GT) and got 1360x768 to work? I'm thinking about picking up a Olevia 337H 37" LCD at this resolution and want to know if anyone has luck at getting Nvidia drivers to work at he 16:9 1360x768 resolution? Also, do you know of...
  12. W

    Antec P180 + Corsair 620HX PSU (normal or upside down?)

    Anyone else have this config? Did you install it normal (fan facing down) or upside-down (fan facing up)? I'm assuming "normal" but wanted to see what others were doing. Thanks, Steve
  13. W

    If not 680i, then..? (recommendation request)

    Can you provide a link to any of these articles? I'm thinking about having Raid 0 on two of the Seagate 320GB perp drives. I understand that disk speed doesn't impact video frame-rate, but I am desiring faster application load and level loading for games. Thanks, Steve