Recent content by yacoub

  1. Y

    NVIDIA Readying GM200-based GeForce GTX 980 Ti

    If AMD can put any pressure on before then, we might even see it come in around $550.
  2. Y

    GIGABYTE GTX 760 OC Version Video Card Review @ [H]

    This card deserves to be compared against the HD7950 Boost, no excuses. That's its direct competition. The 780 competes with the 7970 Ghz Edition and the 760 naturally competes with the 7950 Boost. The 7800 series isn't even in the same league and it's a joke to see that used in a review of a...
  3. Y

    When can we expect a HD7970 price drop?

    Yeah looking forward to the prices coming down to a more reasonable level on both the 7950 Boost and the 7970 GHz edition. They're close to being replaced with a new line and NVidia is finally releasing something better at a similar price point to the 7970, so hopefully that will push the prices...
  4. Y

    "Upgraded" from HD5970 to GTX570, and Absolutely Thrilled!

    The topic poster's experience is consistent with mine: Every time I've used an ATI card, the drivers have been a negative experience, with frustrating game bugs, visual inconsistencies, even instabilities. Every time I've used an NVidia card, the drivers have been rock solid. Sure, it could...
  5. Y

    Gigabyte P55-UD6 Highlights

    lol yeah, a very dry presentation and all i heard about was 24 components and 2 ounces of copper. o-kayyyy. :p
  6. Y

    NVIDIA 295 and 285 prices too high

    definitely too high. i would consider a 285 if it was $300 or well under $300 with MIR. not to mention buying one of those for many folks means also buying a new higher-wattage power supply. in this economy, that's nuts.
  7. Y

    Does any1 know how to change the FOV in Crysis?

    wut. a more natural fov for FPS games is 85-95 degrees. 60 is retarded and is what some modern FPS games default to for silly reasons. Crysis and CoD4 both do that. Thankfully in CoD4 mp you can up it to 80, which while not the best, is better than 60.
  8. Y

    Which? 7900 or 8600

    The 8600GT really is a worthless turd b/c it can't play any DX10 games so why bother with it. Get a 7950GT or wait a few weeks and get an 8800GT for $225 when the prices drop back down to MSRP.
  9. Y

    Honestly, how much difference can you tell...

    Yeah, centered 1:1 with black border around it is fine on a monitor that large. That way it is perfectly ratio'd to the pixels so no stretching or blur to it and you're still looking at something 24" diagonal which is plenty large.
  10. Y

    EVGA 8800GTS 640 is $320 AR (Newegg)

    $325 without rebates and I might just do it.
  11. Y

    2405 input lag

    Considering I just got done saying the input lag is even noticeable on the Windows desktop, it clearly doesn't matter what game you choose to test. The only possibility is they were running that HP monitor on such a crappy videocard it couldn't even handle the native res in the windows desktop...
  12. Y

    Q for Kyle/Brent or anyone with a 7900GTX re: 512 vs 256ram

    I would like to see this review as well. 512mb vs 256mb, declocking the GTX core and ram to GT speeds.
  13. Y

    2x SLI 7900 GT or 1x 7900 GTX

    7900GTX means no need to get an SLI board if you don't have one. It also has 512MB. I don't think having two 256MB cards bumps actual texture memory to 512MB in SLI, does it? Just each card has 256MB still, not 512MB pooled, right?