Recent content by Yooper

  1. Y

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Still In Development

    Was it stalker 2 that is supposed to have copy protection requiring you to be online all the time while playing it?
  2. Y

    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    Ill put my name into the hat
  3. Y

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    This card would be awesome in my new rig!
  4. Y

    Bestbuy Visiontek HD3870 $214.99

    Be careful when you purchase from best buy. I never realized just how crappy an e-outlet they were until I checked their reseller ratings. WOW. I ordered my HD3870 on Thursday the 20th. It was supposedly "guaranteed delivery by Christmas Eve!" I recieved an email on thursday evening it was...
  5. Y

    3870 Back in Stock at BB for $214

    The 3850 is only the 256 meg flavor though, most people want the 512 since most reviews show they perform much better at moderately higher resolutions. BTW I was one of the lucky ones to get a 3870 today for 214 :D
  6. Y

    HD3870 back in stock at BB online

    Thanks! I just sprung for one. Nearest BB is 3.5 hours away. Im gonna cram this baby in my SN25P. Just got confirmation this fits, and doesnt have the problems that the 8800 gt has with my box. And I should get it before the 25th so it will be a crysis/hellgate london/bioshock Christmas...
  7. Y

    SN25P User's Guide

    I do not know if anyone still reads this thread, but I got tired of the built in card reader not working properly. It worked well in USB1 mode..but whenever I put the bios into USB2 it would lock up and give me errors. All other USB2 items worked perfectly (After doing the X2 update and all...
  8. Y

    Windows based memtest???

    Here ya go sir Enjoy
  9. Y

    AN8 SLi Hibernate and Suspend Problem

    Have you tried updating the bios? I had a problem with an athlon64 laptop(e-machines 6805) and that exact thing happened when I upgraded to SP2. It totally locked up when it went into hibernate/sleep mode. It took them almost a year to put out a bios flash to fix it. I dont know if this is what...