Recent content by zArt

  1. Z

    What do you think the 10th GeForce will be called?

    I think it would be something like GeForce X5, X6,...,X8,X9 and then the used GT,GS,...,Ultra. Or not...:P
  2. Z

    Love your socket 754?

    hi. @ Xilicon: Already did that 2 or 3 pages ago. :) @ Sp1nfer: I'll try again raising the FSB and setting a lower divider for the memory. @ BigMacAttack: I'm stuck with this Asus because i was in a budget n by the end of the year this will be my secondary rigg, i just want to get the most...
  3. Z

    Love your socket 754?

    Hi. I've been fiddling with the bios and CPU and the best i got from them was 263*8=2100 (HT=4) with the memory at 210*2 (it´s Samsung DDR333), lowering the HT didn´t help much, i guess that the stock voltage is the bottleneck for the FSB. Been thinking about a volt mod, what do you guys think...
  4. Z

    Love your socket 754?

    Thanx for the tips. So setting the MemClock at 266Mhz would give me a diferent divider enabling me to push the FSB, right? And after i hit the max FSB is it possible to set the HT multiplier again at 4? or it won't be of any good? I will do as you say n then post the results. Cya
  5. Z

    Love your socket 754?

    Hi! I have an ASUS K8N and a Sempron 64 SDA2800AI03BX, LBBWE 0608FAC that is currently @ 2100Mhz (263*8) with the memory Samsung DDR333 @ 420 (210*2) 6-3-3 cl2.5 (1T/2T is Auto). I don´t think i can push the memory any further cause the bios doesn´t have an option to set the divider, also...
  6. Z

    Great card for MCE 2005 and Photoshop?

    Afaik ATI cards are known to have better image quality, with that in mind, i guess the choice depends on how much you want to spend.
  7. Z

    Does Asus K8S-MX have voltage settings?

    Hi all. Does the Asus K8S-MX, SIS 760GX chipset, have voltage settings? And which are they? I need to build a new system n i want to use my Oc'ed Ram, Samsung DDR333 @ 400 at 2.8v that currently is in my other system. By the way, is there another mobo using this chipset? Thanx in advance.
  8. Z

    Finding out what Athlon 64 I have by model number

    Hi, I just installed an AMD64 s939 n there´s a simple way to tell wich socket is. Socket 754 has na empty square in the middle while 939 is almost full of pins. Cya
  9. Z

    Unusual BOOT problem, need some HELP!

    It must be some prob with your hardware just like Klutz said. Check your monitor too, try another one if possible. Also check the graph card n drivers. Cya
  10. Z

    How to: Upgrade your motherboard without reinstalling Windows.

    Acording to what i've read the prob could be that i'm moving the Windows from a PIII platform to an AMD platform in this case AMD64. But i'm not sure since the only prob is as i described in my first post. Cya
  11. Z

    How to: Upgrade your motherboard without reinstalling Windows.

    Nop. They're both PS2 n they work fine when in BIOS. I'm gonna visit some of the links that 'kbarb' (thanks) posted n look for a similar prob, anyway if any of you have a clue of what is happening please post. TIA
  12. Z

    How to: Upgrade your motherboard without reinstalling Windows.

    Hi all. I've 'syspreped' my hard drive but after boot n when the Windows Configuration Wizard appears, the keyboard n the mouse don't responde . What is the problem? I followed every step in the first post, no errors no nothing. :rolleyes:
  13. Z

    HELP - Ntldr Problem

    Hi all. I'm having a similar prob but with a Sata drive. I had 2 partitions on a 120Gb Pata drive n i copied with Partition Magic one partition to a new Sata drive. (P. M. has an option to copy MBR to the new drive which i checked) Now i have 2 probs, 1 - i used Multi Boot from XP to boot...
  14. Z

    Nf7-s SATA port problem

    Hi, Have you updated the Sata drivers?
  15. Z

    Which motherboard for P4 1.8 processor?

    Hi all. I bought an Abit AI7 for my brother's P4 1.8 A (Willamete isn't it?) n after i found out that they're not compatible. Can anyone help me choose another board ? Thanks i a.