Who's using Karhu RAM test software?


Jul 24, 2021
This RAM test from Karhu software


It says a one-time payment of $10 is good for up to 5 computers at a time.


My questions are:

1) Do you use it and is it worth the money?

2) What does up to 5 computers at a time mean? Like if you change a CPU or motherboard does that strike as an occasion?

or every time you reinstall windows you need to buy the software again if it's more than 5 times?

I like that it runs indefinitely and catches any stability errors and logs them to see no matter how long you run it.

What are your thoughts on this test guys?
no, probably not. ive never heard of it.
you can run it on up to five installs. its probably managed somehow and phones home or has an activation process of some sort.
id stick with the tried and true freebies.
Never used it. HCI Memtest is my favorite and worth the $5 (or $14 if you want bootable too). Once you download it, you own it and are not limited to 5 PCs and it's even licensed for commercial/professional use.
It's fine and I have a copy, it uses more CPU than other memory benches so is a decent addition and runs pretty quick compared to other ones. I just have mine on a usb stick.
This program is one of the only ones that really catches stuff on DDR5. I've had memory overclocks crashing in games that AIDA64, OCCT, Memtest, etc all passed with flying colors but 30 seconds of Karhu pulls errors.

I paid the $10 for it. Its running on my other rig right now testing a 6000 CL40 overclock on dual rank Micron 32GB sticks.

Surprisingly my phone zoom can read it from 20ft away.
