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  1. S


    First off, thank you for reading, this may be kind of lengthy. I recently come to find out that my girlfriends pc was loaded with spectorsoft/eblaster software. We knew this simply because her ex(who is, basically, a nutjob) knew everything she was doing, and everything that we had said to...
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    Some help here, need picture of a windows disc

    I was wondering if anyone would be willing to take a picture of their windows xp disc for me. Im doing a speech tonight and need it for a visual aid. I was going to just take my disc, but I left it sitting on my desk this morning when I left, and I wont be able to make it home before class...
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    Anyone tried the Yahoo streaming plan?

    I forget what it costs, but its the plan where you can stream PC games to your pc. Im curious on how the system works and if it performs well. Worth the money? I looked on the list and there were quite a few games Id like to play on there, Im just not sure if the performance of this system is...
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    HDTV around 850

    Ive been looking at HDTVs, with my max budget being around 850. Ive been checking out the 30inch widescreens, which is probably where Im going to go, Im just curious as to what the best deal is. I like the Samsung right at the price point, its the only one in this range Ive found to display...
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    Any advice on handheld organizers?

    Im looking to get a handheld organizer. I have a budget of around 200, but if worth it I can go up to 300. Mostly what I need is something that is going to last, and something that will schedule and has the ability to track my finances. Any features beyond that are not necessary, but the more...
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    Question on gaming

    I havent been able to get a straight reply to this question, so Ill ask it here. If me and a buddy are going to play the same PC games at the same time, can we do this behind a router?(particularly WoW and Americas Army) Ive been told that you cant do this due to the router only being able...
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    Question on a home setup

    Me and a couple buddies are fixing to move into a house together. Our situation is this: We all 3 have computers, we all 3 want our computers hooked up to the internet. My computer is on the 3rd floor, one buddies is on floor 2, and the other is on floor 1. What is our best solution to get these...
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    Radio through speakers

    A buddy of mine just moved into a new apartment and when he hooked up his pc he found that he could hear a radio station through the speakers. Both his and his roomates do this, but he said one is a little louder. Any solutions for getting this to stop?
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    Which LCD for a 2nd monitor

    I recently purchased a 19" benq fp931 and with the free desk space that has come about I am now considering a 2nd LCD. The budget Im looking at is 350 or less and Im looking at a 17" panel. My primary concern: ghosting. I picked up the fp931 because I could not find a single review with...
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    Looking for first hand XP with fp931

    I just recently purchased one of these and am looking for others opinions. All the reviews I have read, including the anandtech review have not mentioned any ghosting issues, however I have noticed what seems to be quite severe ghosting(to me at least). I guess its ghosting, what Im...