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    Display Manager to let me "flick" windows on touch screens

    Not sure if this belongs in Software or Displays... I'm evaluating the viability of tablets and touchscreens in Windows 8.1 and currently have a Surface setup with an external Touchscreen monitor. I've been able to get away without using a mouse for the most part, but I find myself wanting...
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    Is 802.11ac ready? Looking to media stream

    My question - is 802.11ac gear ready for regular use? I know specs are still "to-be finalized" this year - but the equipment is already being sold. Is it worth the cost? My environment: A condo right in the middle between 2 buildings of 150 total units. The 2.4 spectrum is terrible, as...
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    Palo Alto vs SonicWall, what am I missing?

    So my company is replacing firewalls. In our EU HQ, they went with Palo Alto 2020 models to take the place of Cisco PIX and an IBM IDS box. However, as I'm responsible for the US branch, I'm re-evaluating their decision for our office. We currently have a Cisco 5510 and the same IBM IDS box...
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    Does Encrypting/Decrypting a drive affect HD recovery?

    Not sure if this belongs in the security or hard drive forum, but I think it has to do more with encrypting HDs so here goes. Basically, the question in the title. If we have encrypted hard drives, and someone "deletes" a file, can I use my normal recovery software tools to "see" that file...
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    Anyone playing Artemis - The Spaceship Bridge Simulator?

    I was watching Checkpoint's "Games you probably never played #4" video and one of the items on there was Artemis - the SpaceShip Bridge Simulator (link). I'm always on the lookout for Co-Op games, and this looks like a great new gameplay method - and brings out the inner trekkie geek! For...
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    What's in an business wireless solution?

    I've been tasked with giving my small business a wireless network. The consultants that were employed prior to my arrival speced out a Cisco network, so we threw in their pricing quote for this year's budget and I assumed we'd go with Cisco (our backbone is Cisco). However, after perusing the...
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    Can I use ESXi on my old PC?

    It's time to upgrade the hardware again and I'm interested in turning my current PC into a ESXi server. It's what we use at work and I'm needing a playground as I work on my MCITP Certs. After looking around though, is ESXi only supported on certain configurations? I'm kinda on a shoestring...
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    Where to get an ELO calculator?

    Hey all, my company just bought a ping long table and we have at least 20 players. Rather than a straight ladder, I was thinking that using an elo system would be a better assessment of skill as various games are played. These are the same algorithms that are used in Mutiplayer games today...
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    Question about IIS & Windows Passthrough...

    So, I'm playing with Webservers and IIS at work (don't ask me, I prefer Linux + Apache, but we're an all windows shop and the boss said no) and a nice thing to enable would be the Windows Authentication so that we can limit access to certain sites by security groups and have auto-authentication...
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    Software Vendors for Businesses?

    I was wondering who the [H]orde uses for purchasing software licenses for day to day business use. I just started working for a company, and need to get our licenses straightened out (I'm pretty sure we don't have enough to cover everyone). I'm talking about everyday programs, seat licenses...
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    Questions about a Home Web Caching Proxy

    I'm about to move and am going to be supporting about 7 internet useres, but as with many things my ISP is imposing bandwidth limits (100Gb per month - 50Mbps @ $40). We can pay for more, but I always love saving money instead. I was thinking one way to help with the throughput is to put up...
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    What's typical for home gigabit throughput?

    Hey guys, I finally upgrade my home equipment with a refurbished e3000 and e2000 to jump on both wireless N and gigabit. I was just wondering what typical speeds were for using the gigabit network. I've flashed then both with DD-WRT. Cable runs are 10ft. For example, both the server and...
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    How do you make a usb drive bootable?

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. What I want to do is take a CD bootable image (such as my norton ghost disc), and instead, put it on a USB harddrive. All the guides I've found give these steps: 1) Create/Make the partition and mark it as Active 2) Format it using...
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    With new large HDs any issue with Raid5?

    I have an older High-Point RocketRaid 2310 card (SATA1) that currently has 4x Samsung 320gb HDs attached. At the time, I just wanted to build an array that had fault tolerance for a single HD failure. Now I'm thinking about upgrading, but the card is still good. Does anyone know of any...
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    So two admins walk into a server room

    And notice that there's a water sprinkler right above them. What do you do? :confused: Hey guys, wanted to know what any of you have done, or would do in this situation. I just walked into my first real admin job (as remote hands at a branch office for HQ), and noticed this and it's...
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    Are Games CPU limited still?

    So my aged Geforce 8800 GTX 512 (G92) bit the dust. Usually at this point I'd just buy a whole new computer (it's going on 4 years), but that's not an option for budget reasons, so I just bought a replacement. With some forward thinking I decided to go with the Radeon 6870 deal right now on...
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    Backbreaker - Post Patch thoughts?

    Hey guys, I know there's a lot of football fans here so I wanted to get your thoughts. I've never been a big fan of sports games (just couldn't give them the time dedication needed), but backbreaker intrigues me due to the realistic physics and unique view. Like in Real Life, the left...
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    Thinking about the new Mac a HTPC

    So my aged htpc is needing an upgrade (1.8ghz Athlon X2) just barely plays HD files and won't even do hulu or flash videos in full screen. I just read Anand's review of the new mini, and it looks decent, if abit overpriced. The power consumption may make up some of it in the long run...
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    How many current gen console games actually run at 60fps and 1080p?

    The thread title asks it all. I know I can google the answer (and I have) but it seems the lists I can find are outdated. I remember reading somewhere that most console games are upscaled from 720p or even something smaller - and they mostly don't run at 60fps either, but are locked lower to...
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    What's the bandwidth of PCMIA? Looking at a Gigabit Card

    I have an old laptop whose ethernet port just died. I want to use it for a mythbox, but that means pulling off large video files. It does have wireless G, but that takes forever with 6gb files. I was wondering if I should pickup a gigabit PCMIA card for about $25 - but I'm not sure if...
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    MythTV hardware requirements?

    Short Story - I ended up dropping my laptop, cracking the screen. Given my tight budget at the moment, I found a donor computer from craigslist and swapped the screen. This leaves me with a spare working laptop. Specs are a 1.6ghz turion with 768mb RAM. Due to several factors, I was...
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    Recommendation for Personal Wiki?

    I've got my own webserver in a colocation. One of my goals is to setup a wiki - any recommendations? The wife's gonna use it, so it's got to be easy to use from a user standpoint. I think it needs to support a WYSIWYG as well as simple file uploading (PDF or JPEGS) to help emphasize points...
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    Bash Broken??

    I thought I'd ask here as the ubuntu forums are so overcrowded this seemingly unique problem isn't getting an answer. A friend setup an Ubuntu Server 10.04 VM container for me on openVZ. It's got an IP address and SSH is open for me to manage it. The issue is, when I connect to it, bash...
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    Buying/Selling Used Games - Glyde is great!

    After years of "collecting" video games, I've come to the realization that there are very few that I actually reply or would replay, and all they currently do it take up space and add to the boxes when I move (still living in apartments - working on that). That said, it's time to make some...
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    So I got an Xbox 360 what do I do with it? :D Actually, there was a good deal, and thus far, the only reason I have it is to play Castle Crashers (ended up making a live account and buying it on a friend's XBOX just so I could). The media extender feature is nice too and allows me to stream my media more...
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    Xbox 360 - Install Game to Flash Drive?

    With the recent update to the Xbox, an arcade + using flash drives for storage is looking pretty attractive to me. I rarely play more than 1 game at a time, so I don't need too much space, but wanted to know if installation performance is ok using the flash drives.. Has there been any...
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    Networking/Gateway Issue + Pfsense

    Can anyone tell me what would cause a computer to intermittently not be able to access the internet, but can ping the gateway? I have a dual-wan PFsense box. One computer is working fine, but another computer right next to it will sometimes have its internet die. I can ping the pfsense box...
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    Best way to connect two buildings (Network and Phones) 500ft apart

    I have a projects to try and connect two school campuses together. They're about 300-500ft apart, separated by a row of trees, up a hill elevated about 100ft, and a public street. Also, the storm season is coming and rain downfall can get pretty heavy (northern cali). Right now they're...
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    Your thoughts on a phone server

    Hey guys, can I solicit your thoughts and experience with this task? (apologies if this is not the appropriate forum) I'm working part time for a non-profit school and their #1 IT priority is fixing their phone server. They currently have something by Panasonic, with 4 phone lines. The setup...
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    Any Resources for OS X Server

    Does anyone have pointers or good resources for learning OS X Server? I'm contemplating giving some of my time for a small non-profit school, and they've implemented a OS X server. My guess is that they're an all MAC school - so this was the "logical" choice for them at the time. Also...
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    New help repairing my speakers...

    So for the past 4 years I've enjoyed the Creative/Cambridge Gigaworks s750. Last week they finally gave up and no longer turn on....power light is on, but no standby power. I saw the Klipsch repair forum and think the repair process is similar. I found a forum here...
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    Can I use Vista Retail CD to reinstall OEM version?

    I remember seeing somewhere, that all Vista Media was the same, and that the serial key was used to determine which installation was used (this excludes x32 vs x64 discs). But I'm not sure if this applies to OEM installations. My friend hosed his OEM Vista with too many viruses and he lost...
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    Help me decide: 9800 GTX or 8800 GT

    So it's time for a new PC rig after a 4 year absence and I'm trying to figure out what video card. Budget's aren't too tight, but i don't want to spend more money that I have to. The card will be paired with an E8400, 4gb of ram, and Vista x64. The only thing is that I have a Dell 2405 -...
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    NFS sharing question

    Wondering if anyone can help out here..I've been running linux for awhile, but still newbish. When using NFS, is there anyway for files to be exchanged and be labeled by a particular user or group. The way I have it setup now, all my files/folders can be uploaded...but then they're give a...
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    Would a Wiki work in this situation?

    Hey all - wanted to get your thoughts. I work for the IS department of a lawfirm, and want to revamp our internal Knowledge base. The document management system we currently have in place (for our employees) is inadequate for quick answer searching. So I was thinking a wiki would be a...
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    Turion, or Turion X2?

    So I'm about to switch to the night shift at work - and it gets fairly boring - so I thought I'd pick up a laptop to be a bit more productive during the wee hours. I've always liked AMD so I thought I'd ride some of the school sales going on and pick up a laptop (I'll also get a discount at...
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    Want to put linux on a new laptop, anything to watch out for?

    I need some quick advise with what to purchase. I need a small/light laptop for general usage - no games (except for puzzle pirates!) when I pull a nightshift at work. I know linux generally has issues with cutting edge hardware, so I wanted to know if there's anything I should stay away from...
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    How do you move an entire linux image from one hard drive to another?

    Basically how do you do it? Assume both hard drives are in the same computer. Reason - the case can only fit a single HD, and I want to swap out an old/slow hard drive for something newer, faster, and quieter. I can play doctor though, and have HD's sitting outside for a couple of hours or...
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    Sometimes IIS returns "Service Unavailable"?

    Hey I was wondering if you could help me with an IIS problem. IIS is running on SBS 2003 with 3gb RAM and a 2.8 Xeon. Occasionally, when someone tries to access one of the websites, IIS will return a "Service is Unavailable" message. This is very intermittant, and it doesn't happen on all...