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  1. F

    Gotta have those elves pretty...

    Greetings all. I was curious to see which particular component is holding me back - CPU vs GPU. Current Build: Proc: Opty 165 running at 2.7 Ghz on air GPU: eVGA 7900GT CO PCI-E 256MB RAM: 2 Gigs Mobo: DFI Lanparty UT NForce4 Ultra- D HDD: 150G Raptor 10kRPM 16MB Cache PS...
  2. F

    Some basic PS3 questions.

    Heya all - sorry if these seem simple - but I had a few questions about the PS3. I've got a 360 and a wii already so not looking for the "what I should get instead" type responses. But I find there are some PS3 games... eventually.. coming out that are exclusive that I want. Final Fantasy...
  3. F

    Logitech Harmony 1000 $243 after $100 MIR. Free shipping.

    Not the hottest deal by any means - but if you were looking for a 1000... Been looking for a Harmony for a while now and got this deal in an email this morning. On Amazon for...
  4. F

    WinServer 2003 / AD / Quotas

    Greetings all, I was wondering if anyone happened to have a solution for this particular problem. Last summer I converted my work network from an aging Novell Netware 6.5 network to an Active Directory structure running on Windows Server 2003 R2. I've had everything working for a good 8...
  5. F

    Difficulties acquiring network address

    Hello all, Having kind of a strange problem on a few of my machines. First off, I use Altiris rapidinstall to distrubte computer images to machines. I have alot of machines to look after, so having some require special attention - ie: static IP addresses isn't an option for me. The image...
  6. F

    360 / VGA / 1080p question

    Hey all - I'm sure I'm just being an idiot here, but I couldn't find any info on this one. I bought a 360 and an HD drive for it this weekend - for cable connections I also picked up the VGA cable made by MS. Now - I've had a friend come over and we hooked it up to my TV (Westy 1080p 42")...
  7. F

    Is my card dying?

    Hey guys... Having some strange things go on in some of my games. In BF2142 I first noticed it - at times on the ground or on a building there would be a very colorful rainbow checkered pattern running across it in a band - usually an entire object was never covered, just a band of it...
  8. F

    Mass adding network printers

    Howdy all~ This seemed like the closest forum I could find for this... My appologies if there was a better fit. However it's dealing with 3 servers networking to 30 printers... Anyway - as I said, I have 3 printers and 30 printers spread across my network in a Windows Server 2003...
  9. F

    Migrating between servers w/ Netware 6.5

    Hello all, I bought a nice new shiny PowerEdge 2850 to be used as my new Novell/Netware server. It is up to date with the latest service packs and (unfortunatley) the latest version of eDirectory (v8.8). I went to Netware's site - downloaded their latest server migration utility. Set up...
  10. F

    new PC order

    Well, it started out as an upgrade idea.. but.. soon snowballed into a near-new PC.. was wondering on advice on it before I put in the order... coming from a: cpu: xp 2500+ Barton - stock cooling mb: Asus A7N8X-Deluxe ram: 2.5 GB Patriot PC3200 HDD: Maxtor 250GB 7200rpm gfx: evga...
  11. F

    Black & White 2 for $37.99

    Black&White 2 is $37.99 at Fry's I was told it was in their flier at their B&M locations - Not living anywhere near one of those I checked online and sure enough at it's listed for: $37.99 for the PC CDROM version linkage...
  12. F

    Problem with my old K7T266 Pro

    Greetings all, Ok, I've been trying to get this system to work again for a couple of years now. Ever since I pulled it out of my case and put in new insides to make a new computer this old K7T266 hasn't worked. Finally I've run out of ideas and thought I'd ask. As I said I have an MSI...