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  1. B

    Help with X2 Affinity setting

    Hey guys, I am having a problem keeping BF2 set to CPU0 in the task manager. When I had BF2 1.02 I went in to the task manager to set the program to CPU0 instead of CPU0 and 1. and I never had to alt-tab out again and set it it always stayed set at CPU0 no matter what but since I updated the...
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    XP-120 installation question

    I installed my XP-120 tonight on my Asus A8N premium and as people have said it was hard to do. The only problem is that when I was trying to get it clamped down one side of it would pop up off of the CPU. Will that affect the performance of the heatsink by letting air pockets in? The first time...
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    Asus A8N SLI Premium connector question

    What is the ‘pwr_fan’ connector on this motherboard for?
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    how to apply Ceramique on an X2?

    How to you apply artic silver Ceramique to an X2 ? I was curious because on their website it shows what it looks like after it is applied and ‘squished’ with the heatsink and it also shows what the CPU core looks like when the heat spreader is off. Does an X2 have 2 cores under the heat...
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    will overclocking my X2 eventually hurt my system?

    Will overclocking my X2 3800+ two hundred more MHz hurt my system and components in the short term or long term? I would like to bump it up 200MHz to make it a 4200+ but I don’t want to hurt my system. I know people do it all the time but this system is a big investment for me and I will...
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    Need advice on a 250GB SATA

    I need some opinions. I’m about to buy a 250GB SATA HDD and I need help deciding between the Seagate 7200.8 and the Maxtor DiamondMax 10. I am leaning towards the Maxtor because of the fact it has 16mb Buffer and it is SATAII, which I probably wont use but makes it more future proof than the...
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    3700+ or X2 3800+ for gaming

    Ok I was thinking of going with the 3700+ San Diego for gaming but with the X2 3800+ coming soon i'm not sure anymore. Will I see any performance decrease going with the X2 3800+ over the 3700+ in games at 1600x1200 on a 7800gtx?
  8. B

    Dual channel question?

    I’m about to build my first PC and I have a question about dual channel vs. single channel mode. Will dual channel offer any performance increase over single channel in games such as CS:S and BF2? It will be using an A64 4000+ with an Asus The A8N-SLI Premium.