Search results

  1. C

    Intel Burn in:is this normal temps?

    I got my new system last week and was doing a quick burn in test before trying to overclock. im using Inter Burntest V. 2.54 on maximum the temp im getting see to high though. it shutdown my pc the first attempt on the 5th pass but i also had a bunch of other stuff running when i started it...
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    using laptop displays in a project

    Is it possible to use laptop displays with a standard videocard? Like a old 4870? Is there any resources I could tap? Did a quick Google search but just kept getting results on connecting laptops to monitors via HDMI. I'll keep searching but thought I would drop a line here to see if anyone had...
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    Haswell 4670k and Guild Wars 2

    about to do a upgrade in the next few weeks mainly because im wanting better performance in guild wars 2, im getting pretty decent frames during normal play but when events start happening my frames drop down badly into single digit territory, i know my gf card is pretty good and not the problem...
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    8350 and Guild Wars 2

    about to do a upgrade in the next few weeks mainly because im wanting better performance in guild wars 2, im getting pretty decent frames during normal play but when events start happening my frames drop down badly into single digit territory, i know my gf card is pretty good and not the problem...
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    Question about turbo mode!

    been hearing alot about the new boards having a feature called turbo mode, which is supposed to be a factory overclock of some kind or other. but i was wondering is it safe to run a system in turbo mode indefinitely? do you overclockers leave your systems in its overclocked state for everyday...
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    is my powersupply to low for this card?

    Just noticed last night that my power supply only outputs 40 amps on the 12 volt rail. Is that too low for a 7870 gpu and 125 watt cpu?
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    Just for gaming upgrade i5 or i7?

    ok its upgrade time for me in the next couple weeks and im upgrading from a phenom II x4 955 BE. (in the sig) i'm gonna try the intel side this time and boom haswell is announced so im wondering since im building strictly for gaming should i go for the i5 4670k or a i7 4770k. so far the only...
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    Pic of the Fragbox2 wiring

    just wondering if anyone has a fragbox 2 and willing to post a couple pics of the wiring, I got a used one that im rebuilding for my daughters birthday present. and having to replace all the mobo,cpu,mem, powersupply & gpu. would love to be able to get a couple hi-res shots of how they did the...
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    is onboard Optical Audio better than onboard analog audio?

    got a new motherboard and it has onboard Optical out. was wondering if it would be worthwhile to invest in headphones (astro A50's) to use the optical out over using the 7.1 analog audio out. is Optical out by nature better than analog? or does it fall to the same performance difference like...
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    Overclocking 955 BE, Question

    decieded to try overclocking my 955 BE after seeing that everyone is OC these days. so i used the AMD Overdrive utility to get a good oc from 3.2 to 3.8 GHz stable, ran the stability test, the benchmark, ran the new 3dmark for about a hour and everything was good. seeing that everyone i see o/c...
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    High Case temps after Starcraft 2 update?

    just wondering if anyone else noticed their temps going up after the latest Starcraft 2 update? not sure if it did this before the update but i've been playing alot more since the HoTS expansion came out (although i don't have the expansion yet) figured i'de finish the campaign before buying the...
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    Radator fluid for water coolant

    just wondering if anyone has ever tried using the coolant/antifreeze used in cars as a solution for water cooling? since cars tend to run a much higher temps than a cpu ever would was just wondering if that was feasible?
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    Has ANYONE gotten a good XFX 7970?

    after going through 2 cards in a couple weeks and seeing what i'm seeing on the forums here at least its got me wondering. has anyone gotten a good (non artifacting and overheating) XFX 7970 video cards? im guessing the non gigahertz edition were ok but the new ones seem to be having some...
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    Artifact Issue with XFX7970

    got a XFX 7970 thats been giving me artifacting issues. this is the second card. first one had the same issue and a high pitch squeeling when running 3d games or benchmarks (new futuremark included). new egg replaced the first one without issue and supprisingly fast. but now after 1 day this new...
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    Is a new Card coming?

    was just wondering if amd is expected to release a new video card this year (7000 series hit around this time last year if i remember right) or is the 7000 series on a 18 month life cycle?was planning on getting a new 7950 0r a 7870 but if a new series is in the works i can wait and get in on...
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    6870 Crossfire question.

    does crossfire setups use all the memory on both cards? or is sit still split to get the same buffer as a single card. i remember back when i put my old 6600gt's (i know, there nvidias) it would only use 64 megs off each card even though they had 128 on em. A friend bough a second card to set up...
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    Graphics Driver Installation Proceedures.

    Been wondering if its still necessary to completly uninstall the previous drivers before installing new drivers for your video card? or have they gotten better about the install routines removing the old ones during the install of the new driver. I did the last install the old school way...
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    league of legend lag

    i've been playing for about 2 years now and i have been having a problem with the summoner spells not going off properly at first i thought it was my keyboard which was pretty old (first year logitech g15) but even after playing it with a new keyboard i still have the problem the spell flashes...
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    new mouse settings "razer Imperator"

    i just got a new mouse that has something like 5400 dpi/polling but i noticed that its hard to control at the highes settings the pointer moves so far, so fast with the slightest movement. is this something that i just have to get used to or is there some settings i need to change. cause right...
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    Motherboard died should i replace the cpu too?

    Was having a LAN when everyone got kicked from the game i was hosting, when i looked back at my system it was off and the there was a hot spot on my case directly over the CPU. took the system outside to cool it off and blow out the dust( not to bad at all btw). the system would not boot back up...
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    question about wetsanding

    After watching a bunch of videos and thread post, I tried out wet sanding. But the paint comes out looking greyish like theres a layor of dust on it. If I wipe it down with a wet cloth it looks shiny but turns dull again when it dries. Should I be spraying another coat of paint on it? Or is it...
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    My HAF 922 Paintjob

    My Coolermaster HAF 922 Paint Job Not a Mod per se but i loved the paint jobs dob's that peeps have been doing so i though i'de share mine. Started off simple enough got the case and immediatly took it apart. i washed all the parts and prepped them to be painted. Gave most of the parts a...
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    HAF 922 Paint job

    mod please delete this thread! (i redid the post in the proper area) thx
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    Samsung SA22350H Review

    second attempt at posting about my new monitor, so I've been looking on the forums for a good led monitor that I could get on my tight budget ($200 to $250). after reading a bunch of info from the peeps here I had my choices down to the Samsung s23a550h & the asus ve247. but when I got to the...
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    New case choices

    I'm stuck, I want to get a new case after noticing the temps on my current one seem a bit warm. but I'm torn between.this one or this one anyone have either of...
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    Old Antec Lan Boy (original) repaint

    well my first system build after about 5 years. (for myself at least) thought i share a couple pic of the results Top By cobaltleo at 2011-02-26 Side View By cobaltleo at 2011-02-26 Angle Shot By cobaltleo at 2011-02-26 Night time bling Finally got to use the cold cathodes i...
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    Rocketfish PSU

    I just got my new system put together and after going all over the place about it noticed that theres not alot of information about the rocketfish brand. and the few i found here were ho hum at best. so i built the system in my sig. and another system for a friend a week earlier. I am on an...
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    Dual sided memory sticks

    hello all. haven't built a new system in about 2 years and about to start a new project. back then seemed like every motherboard had a problem populating all 4 dims with doublesided memory. i had read somewhere that it was a old engineering issue that had never been addressed. so i was wondering...
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    Biostar MCP6PB M2+ Motherboard

    Looking to build a new gaming system, I'm liking the AMD 710 CPU and since this board supports phenom processors, it looks like a good way to go but I'm usually a MSI man so I have no clue about the quality of Biostar boards. any know issues with the this board? im gonna put a ATI 4850 or 4870...
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    VGA Connection for LCD

    ok i've bitten the bullet and sold off my desktop to raise money for my new creation, in the mean time im using my laptop as my main (which is pretty good considering) and it has a vga output. my problem is that when i connect my 22" lcd the image is fuzzy at 1680x1050 which is the native res...
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    Fuzzy image with VGA connection

    got a quick question about vga connections on lcd monitors. I have a viewsonic wide screen (VX2235WM that i have my xbox connected to and my computer. the xbox looks great on the screen and the computer does as well but when i connect my laptop up to the vga the image is really grainy and im...
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    Better graphics or CPU?

    ok im 2 days away from ordering my new laptop settled on the vostro 1500 and my budget is $800 solid cant even go a penny over. my problem is do i go for the 1.4 GHz Dual Core 2 with the Nvidia 8600GT 256 meg or the 2.00 GHz with the Nvidia 8400 gs 128 meg? will be using it as a lan...
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    GRAW 2

    Hey can anyone help with this, i've been looking all over for this but cant seem to find an answer anywhere, can you respawn in the co-op campaigne mode in graw 2. in the first one you got 1 life and if you died you had to sit out the rest of the map which sucks. was hoping graw 2 allows...
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    4 dimms 2Gigs and 512 videocard = stability issue

    hey all need some info i have 4, 512 dimms of corsair xms ram. the first 2 sticks were purchased seperatly (about 6 months apart) the second 2 sticks were purchased as a set Twin XMS set i just recently bought a 7950 gt with 512 megs of onboard memory. and am having a stability problem. i...
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    Cutting Steel for modding

    hey does anyone know the best tool for cutting steel for modding? i was considering using a dremel but after cutting the aluminum and steel sheet metal i had last night im think that a dremel might not be appropriate for the job. anyway the piece i need to cut is a 1" hollow steel bar about the...
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    bending plexiglass

    hey all im done framing my case mod and need to put some plexiglass paneling on it, i'de like to use one big peice just to get a more authentic look and i was wondering does anyone know if you can heat and bend plexiglass like you can to acrylic? i did a search and tried to check the article...
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    why overclock a 7800?

    i was just wondering why im seeing so many people overclocking the 7800 gt's when they have a sli setup? its my understanding that theres now game out atm that can tax a 7800gtx and that a sli of the 7800 gt is more powerful than a gtx so i was wondering why bother overclocking at all if you...
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    connector type

    hay all i got a couple questions for anyone willing to answer i picked up a viewsonic vx910 last year it came with dvi and standard vga connectors but only the cable for vga so i ordered the dvi cable from viewsonic. any way when i first got the lcd i had no lag at all running it at standard res...
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    1024x768 vs HDTV

    isn't a monitors resolution @ 1024x768 or higher better than HDTV? just wondering cause most HDTV's i see locally advertise that or some deviation of that resolution since monitors typically have that or higher wouldnt they provide better IQ?
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    evga 6600 gt core speed

    just wondering if anyone here has one and what its core speed is showing up as in 3dmark 03 mine keeps showing up as 299 everyother test but the video card CP says its 500/500 with no O/C.